AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Canary Testing with AWS App Mesh and Tekton

Canary Testing with AWS App Mesh and Tekton

Planning a release from product strategy to product delivery is a complex process with multiple interconnected services and workflows. On top of that, creating and deploying new versions of services into production has always been a challenge for developers. DevOps teams must choose an effective deployment strategy to enable Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) […]

Kubernetes Migration Factory main art

Using Kubernetes Migration Factory (KMF) to migrate from Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

Open source Kubernetes Migration Factory (KMF) can be used to quickly migrate your Kubernetes workloads from GKE to an Amazon EKS cluster. In this blog post, we provided an example of how KMF can be used from an operating system terminal.

Scheduling Jupyter Notebooks with AWS Orbit Workbench

This post was contributed by Olalekan Elesin, Head of Data Platform & Data Architect at HRS Group and AWS Machine Learning Hero The HRS Group, a market leader in the global business travel market, is scheduling Jupyter Notebooks with the open source solution AWS Orbit Workbench. HRS provides brokerage of hotel rooms for private and […]

Introducing AWS Blueprints for Crossplane

Kubernetes is gaining popularity as a control plane application programming interface (API), and coupling it with Crossplane further extends its usability. Kubernetes not only orchestrates and schedules containers, but also manages resources by extending the declarative APIs and adding a reconciliation process. The combination is appealing to both DevOps teams and application development teams because […]

Managing Spinnaker using Spinnaker Operator in Amazon EKS

Overview Spinnaker enables developers to focus on writing code and deploying their applications without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. The development team can focus on application development and leave ops provisioning to Spinnaker for automating reinforcement of business and regulatory requirements. Spinnaker, a cloud-based open source continuous delivery platform built originally by Netflix […]

Building a multi-tenant Kubeflow environment on Amazon EKS using Amazon Cognito and ADFS

NOTE: Since this blog post was written, much about Kubeflow has changed. While we are leaving it up for historical reference, more accurate information about Kubeflow on AWS can be found here. The Kubeflow project is dedicated to making deployments of machine learning (ML) workflows on Kubernetes simple, portable, and scalable. The project’s goal is […]