AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

eksctl – the EKS CLI

When we launched Amazon EKS, we had a plan for a more complete command line. We were intrigued by Weaveworks’ simultaneous launch of the open source command line tool eksctl, and excited about the user feedback we were hearing. We decided, instead of building our own, to embrace eksctl as part of the EKS planning […]

Setup of the centralized logging demo app

Centralized Container Logging with Fluent Bit

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. Visit the website to learn more. by Wesley Pettit and Michael Hausenblas AWS is built for builders. Builders are always looking for ways to optimize, and this applies to application logging. Not all logs are of equal importance. Some require real-time analytics, […]

architecture for a Spinnaker pipeline with Jenkins and Amazon ECR.

Build a Deployment Pipeline with Spinnaker on Kubernetes

Spinnaker is a continuous delivery platform, originally developed by Netflix, for releasing software changes rapidly and reliably. Spinnaker makes it easier for developers to focus on writing code without having to worry about the underlying cloud infrastructure. It integrates seamlessly with Jenkins and other popular build tools. In this post we will discuss on how […]

AWS + Kubernetes logos.

Using Pod Security Policies with Amazon EKS Clusters

You asked for it and with Kubernetes 1.13 we have enabled it:  Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) now supports Pod Security Policies. In this post we will review what PSPs are, how to enable them in the Kubernetes control plane and how to use them, from both the cluster admin and the developer perspective. What is a Pod Security Policy and […]

EKS performance - resnet50.

Best Practices for Optimizing Distributed Deep Learning Performance on Amazon EKS

中文版 – In this post, we will demonstrate how to create a fully-managed Kubernetes cluster on AWS using Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS), and how to run distributed deep learning training jobs using Kubeflow and the AWS FSx CSI driver. We then will discuss best practices to optimize machine learning training performance […]

The Seattle Spheres - photo by Deirdré Straughan.

Open Source News Roundup: April 22, 2019

Upcoming Events RailsConf (April 30-May 2 in Minneapolis, Minnesota) – Lounge & Lanyard Sponsor. Workshop on Going Serverless with Ruby on AWS Lambda by Alex Wood and Jingyi Chen. PyCon (May 1-9 in Cleveland, Ohio) – Platinum Sponsor. Come find us at Booth #439 to see how AWS <3 Python. Percona Live (May 28-30 in […]

Using the FSx for Lustre CSI Driver with Amazon EKS

中文版 – The Container Storage Interface (CSI) is a standard for exposing storage on top of container orchestrators such as Mesos or Kubernetes. CSI gives storage providers like AWS the opportunity to create a thin wrapper which will allow a Kubernetes cluster to automatically provision and manage the entire lifecycle of the storage class. Storage […]

knative + TriggerMesh + EKS logos.

Deploying AWS Lambda-Compatible Functions in Amazon EKS using TriggerMesh KLR

中文版 – Custom AWS Lambda Runtimes were introduced at re:Invent 2018. Knative is an open source project to build, deploy, and manage serverless workloads. This post by Sebastien Goasguen explains that TriggerMesh’s Knative Lambda Runtime is a custom runtime that can run a Lambda function on Knative running on an Amazon EKS cluster. –Arun AWS […]