AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Open Source

How to use Amazon Lookout for Vision Python SDK

Amazon Lookout for Vision Python SDK: Cross-validation and Integration with Other AWS Services

Learn how to use the open source Python SDK for Lookout for Vision in either AWS Glue or AWS Lambda to quickly identify differences in images of objects at scale.

Running Dicoogle, an open source PACS solution, on AWS (part 2)

This blog post is the second part of a two-part series that describes how to host a secure Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) server on AWS using Dicoogle open source software. In part one of this blog series, I introduced DICOM, explained the functionalities the solution provides, highlighted the AWS services used, and […]

Deploying Open Policy Agent (OPA) as a sidecar on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

Introduction The sidecar deployment pattern lets developers decouple monolithic applications into separate processes with high levels of isolation and encapsulation. To address cross-cutting concerns like logging, monitoring, and authorization, organizations can decouple these operations into sidecar containers shared across multiple microservices within a deployment. In order to perform operations like authorization, microservice deployments often depend […]

Increase app responsiveness with MongoDB Realm mobile database and AWS Wavelength

This post was contributed by Robert Oberhofer, Senior Director of Technology Partnerships at MongoDB. This blog post introduces MongoDB Realm, and examines its core characteristics and key benefits. While Realm is widely used for building mobile applications, its capabilities are also relevant for other problem spaces, including IoT and Edge. Introduction to Realm Realm database […]

Running Dicoogle, an open source PACS solution, on AWS (part 1)

This blog is the first part of a two-part series that describes how to host a secure DICOM server on AWS. It is based on the Dicoogle open source software, which provides the functionality of a PACS (picture archiving and communication system). A PACS stores and indexes DICOM medical image files, and uses the DICOM […]

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AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry is now generally available for metrics

At the end of 2021 we made traces in OpenTelemetry generally available (GA) and then the focus in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) OpenTelemetry project moved to metrics. We worked upstream in the community to implement metrics in SDKs and ensure compatibility with Prometheus as well as to stabilize the collector to support metrics. […]

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AWS Investing an Additional $10 Million in Open Source Supply Chain Security

Security is our top priority at AWS. As a result, we are committed to contributing to the quality and safety of open source software. We see great value in contributing both engineering efforts and also projects, tools, training, and guidelines to help improve the security of open source software. These efforts benefit us, our customers, […]

Ogury Uses Open Source Technologies on AWS to Run Low-Latency Machine Learning

This post was contributed by Thomas Ngue Minkeng, Nathalie Au, Marc Bouffard, and Pierre-Marie Airiau from Ogury Ogury, the Personified Advertising company, is using open source machine learning (ML) on AWS to deliver a planned 300,000 inferences per second under 10-ms latency. Ogury’s breakthrough advertising engine delivers precision, sustainability, and privacy protection within one technology […]