Resources for Government, Education, and Nonprofits

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How security teams can use serverless technologies to improve outcomes
Serverless computing can mitigate resource constraints by shifting the operational burden to AWS and automating common manual tasks.
Scaling to zero: Serverless is the way of the future, says University of York
Using serverless AWS services helps the University of York scale down to zero, which helps them better manage apps, reduce costs, and increase agility.
Nonprofits save time and money with AWS Lambda: How to set up a function
See how using AWS Lambda can decrease IT management burden for nonprofits and help reduce their AWS spend.
What you missed at the AWS Summit Washington, DC keynote
The AWS Summit Washington, DC keynote covered stories from government, healthcare, education, and more.
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  • Podcast

    #53 – 2021 in review

    Revisit milestones from 2021 with customers from around the world.

    December 2021
  • Case Study

    Jefferson Health Removes Barriers to Delivering Unscheduled Care with EmOpti on AWS

    Jefferson Health boosted staff productivity, reduced labor costs, and increased revenue while maintaining quality patient care by using AWS Select Technology Partner EmOpti’s Emergency Medicine Workflow Solution built entirely on AWS.
    July 2021
  • Blog Post

    Study Edge and ASU use AWS to offer accessible and equitable education video experiences to students

    With AWS, EdTech companies and universities are transforming the video learning experience for students and families.
    July 2021
  • Blog Post

    Bringing low-latency livestreaming to education with Amazon IVS

    With in-person collaboration limited for much of 2020 and the foreseeable future, educational institutions have embraced new virtual means to connect with students and deliver information. Inspired by the increased demand for sophisticated virtual collaboration solutions, EdTech Mosaic Learning built and integrated new Amazon Web Services features into its custom platform tailored for delivering dynamic video experiences at scale.
    March 2021
  • Blog Post

    Using AWS to help cultural institutions adapt to a digital world

    With the recent pandemic, cultural institutions are being challenged as attendance is slowing, funding is diminishing, and programs are being shut down. Amazon and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have tools to help museums, performing arts centers, and other cultural organizations extend their sphere of influence and increase their engagement with patrons, to remain relevant and better engage audiences in a digital world.
    February 2021
  • Blog Post

    How to host a virtual hackathon

    As education has shifted to remote delivery, traditional mechanisms for engaging students and creating practical learning opportunities have had to adapt too. One mechanism—the hackathon—is increasingly taking place virtually.
    November 2020
  • Blog Post

    Mission: Providing business continuity for the future of work

    Over the past few months, we have learned that remote work works when the right technology and leadership come together. These stories demonstrate how governments have gone above and beyond using the cloud to quickly adapt to this new environment and shift away from the status quo.
    October 2020
  • Podcast

    #24 - Building a resilient organization

    AWS Subject Matter Experts and Juniper

    Is your organization ready for anything? Planning for the unknown calls for a business resiliency plan.

    October 2020
  • eBook

    Innovation for Life: Cities Powered by the Cloud (Australia and New Zealand)

    Empowered by AWS, smart communities in Australia and New Zealand are transforming and innovating faster and better than ever before. Read this eBook to discover how AWS spurs cities to grow and develop even faster.
    September 2020
  • Blog Post

    Learn how to set up remote working, learning, and call centers with AWS Cloud Champion

    For community organizations, government agencies, and educational institutions seeking to support a distributed workforce, citizenry, or student body with cloud capabilities, AWS has developed an online virtual booth to highlight remote work, learning, and call center use cases for the public sector.
    August 2020
  • Blog Post

    AWS achieves FedRAMP JAB High and Moderate provisional authorization across nine additional services in AWS US Regions

    From AWS Security Blog
    We are pleased to announce that Amazon Web Services (AWS) has achieved FedRAMP JAB authorization on an additional nine AWS services.
    July 2020
  • Blog Post

    Virtual exchange is transforming the global classroom

    ImmerseU is a virtual exchange learning platform developed by Class2Class, an AWS EdStart Member. The platform helps colleges and universities create and enhance collaborations through its online environment. Using Amazon Web Services (AWS), Class2Class created a secure and affordable global platform to give every student equitable access to cross-cultural exchanges and empower democratized learning.
    July 2020
  • Blog Post

    Digitally delivering remote healthcare

    From Day One: The Amazon Blog
    In less than three days, Juniper implemented the cloud-based communication service Amazon Chime that lets people meet, chat, and place business calls inside and outside their organization, all using a single application to connect more than 1, 880 employees, caregivers, doctors, and family members across 26 Australian facilities. This technology allows Juniper’s residents to safely connect with their health practitioners and loved ones through video calls from tablets provided in the facility.
    June 2020
  • Blog Post

    Announcing AWS Cloud Champion: An online, gamified tutorial on working, teaching, and engaging remotely

    AWS announced the launch of a preview version of an online gamified tutorial, "AWS Cloud Champion: Virtual Workplace Interactive Challenge, " that highlights cloud capabilities available for online meetings, cloud-based contact centers, and virtual desktops.
    June 2020
  • Case Study

    Juniper Uses AWS to Keep Aged Care Services Running in Times of Need

    By rolling out AWS remote work and learning solutions, Juniper can support business continuity and connect residents with family and clinicians.
    May 2020
  • Blog Post

    Providing immediate support today and operational resiliency for tomorrow

    Across numerous recent customer engagements, our teams have seen an increase in requests for support in four key use cases: remote workforce and productivity, citizen engagement, data management and analytics, and operational resilience and business continuity. Dive into these examples to help you think about what you can get started on today.
    May 2020
  • Blog Post

    In case you missed it: April 2020 top blog posts round up

    In April 2020, the AWS Public Sector Blog covered stories on AWS launching machine learning enabled search capabilities for COVID-19 dataset, supporting healthcare with technology in response to COVID-19, and building a chatbot for your school in less than an hour.
    May 2020
  • Blog Post

    Keeping organizations running during COVID-19

    From Day One: The Amazon Blog
    COVID-19 had a sudden and profound impact on all of us as "safer at home" mandates forced governments, educational institutions, and businesses to quickly implement secure and reliable work-from-home solutions. Many of our customers and partners have not only set-up the tools and services to keep their own workforces productive, but are also creating ways to help others.
    May 2020
  • Webpage

    Solutions for State and Local Governments (U.S.) in AWS Marketplace

    State and local governments need innovative, secure ways to deliver services and enable telework—especially in times of emergency. AWS Marketplace is a curated digital catalog that enables quick deployment of solutions for employees, contractors, constituents, and call center agents in AWS so governments can find resources to navigate rapidly changing situations.
    April 2020
  • Blog Post

    Boosting work from home productivity with Amazon Alexa

    From Business Productivity
    See how Sandeep Rao, Business Development Manager at Alexa for Business, set-up his home for remote work and used Alexa for Business work-based features on Echo devices to boost work-from-home productivity.
    April 2020
  • Blog Post

    Understanding security in the Amazon Chime application and SDK

    From Business Productivity
    Workers and teachers around the world increasingly rely on Amazon Chime and other services that enable remote working and distance education. As their usage has increased, so has scrutiny of security practices. This blog provides an overview of the security of Amazon Chime, how your data is protected, and the features we provide you to help secure your meetings.
    April 2020
  • Blog Post

    Empowering education with infrastructure for remote learning and work

    Educational institutions—from K12 schools to higher education—have seized the opportunities that modern technologies provide during these unusual times. Of these technologies, cloud has had an outsized impact in transforming the efficiency and effectiveness of schools and colleges around the world, as education leaders transition to remote education.
    April 2020
  • Blog Post

    Student science fair goes virtual with Amazon Chime

    The Synopsys Championship event, which showcases middle & high school student projects in the Santa Clara County of California, was held on March 12th using Amazon Chime. 1, 048 students presented their projects to 525 judges in 1, 924 video conferencing sessions with a total of 69, 889 meeting minutes. At the peak of the six-hour science-fair over 800 meetings were held concurrently.
    April 2020
  • Webinar

    Servicios de AWS para trabajo y aprendizaje a distancia

    Durante este tiempo sin precedentes de cierres temporales y sostenidos en escuelas, nuestros clientes están buscando ayuda para habilitar el aprendizaje y trabajo en línea. Conozca las soluciones disponibles en la nube de AWS para trabajo y aprendizaje a distancia.
    April 2020
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