Desktop and Application Streaming

Category: Amazon WorkSpaces


IGEL Disrupt 2023 München – Mit AWS End User Computing die moderne digitale Arbeitswelt ermöglichen

Wenn es darum geht, Ihren Mitarbeitern und Kunden die Tools zur Verfügung zu stellen, die sie für ihre Arbeit benötigen, müssen Sie eine Reihe von Anforderungen erfüllen, die sich regelmäßig ändern. Als Reaktion auf die Kundennachfrage entwickelt die End-User-Computing-Branche in rasantem Tempo innovative Lösungen, die Unternehmen dabei helfen, die Produktivität ihrer Mitarbeiter, die Sicherheit und […]

igel munich

IGEL Disrupt 2023 Munich – enabling the modern digital workforce with AWS End User Computing

When it comes to providing your employees and customers with the tools required to do their job, you must support a range of requirements that regularly change. In response to customer demand, the end-user computing industry is rapidly innovating to deliver solutions that help organizations maximize worker productivity, security, and return on investment. IGEL Disrupt 2023 […]

AWS is named a leader - aws end user computing

AWS is named a Leader in IDC MarketScape: WW DaaS Vendor Assessment

With the rapid shift to remote and hybrid work, Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) is an effective means of providing workers with the tools they need to do their jobs. Facing budgetary pressure and an ever-expanding set of business requirements, IT organizations have pushed DaaS vendors to develop solutions which include Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) optimized for specific use cases, […]

Manage Amazon WorkSpaces with VMware Workspace ONE UEM

VMware Workspace ONE customers can now manage Amazon WorkSpaces cloud-based virtual desktops in addition to their other user endpoints from a unified management console. This can be done using VMware Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) 2212 or later from the Workspace ONE Software as a Service (SaaS) web console. IT operation teams need the […]

Convert existing Amazon WorkSpaces to the WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol without a rebuild

With the announcement of the modify Amazon WorkSpaces protocol API, you can convert existing WorkSpaces to the WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP) without a rebuild. Converting existing WorkSpaces lets you use the recent protocol performance and feature improvements, such as webcam support and smart card authentication. Previously, changing a WorkSpaces’ protocol from PCoIP to WSP required […]

How to configure certificate-based authentication for Amazon WorkSpaces

In this blog, we discuss the benefits of using certificate-based authentication (CBA) for Amazon WorkSpaces. we give an overview of the short-lived CA mode offered by AWS Private Certificate Authority and why it is important to this use case. Also, we walk you through the steps to configure CBA for Amazon WorkSpaces. Amazon WorkSpaces certificate-based […]

AWS End User Computing

AWS EUC @re:Invent: Day 4

Today is the last day of AWS re:Invent 2022. You’re probably tired but we hope you’re having as much fun as we are! Meet the AWS End User Computing representatives at kiosk 41 in the AWS Village between 10am and 4pm. Learn how you can benefit from the Amazon WorkSpaces Family of services, Amazon AppStream […]

AWS End User Computing

AWS EUC @re:Invent: Day 2

It’s day 2 of AWS re:Invent and I am ready to give you an overview of the AWS End User Computing activities happening today. First and foremost, the AWS EUC folks will be at kiosk 41 in the AWS Village from 10:00am to 6:00pm to discuss virtual desktops, application streaming, SaaSification of legacy applications and […]

AWS End User Computing

AWS EUC @re:Invent: What is Amazon WorkSpaces Core?

Amazon WorkSpaces Core enables customers and the AWS Partner Network to build customized VDI solutions using purpose-built compute instances optimized for virtual desktops. In this blog I cover why Amazon WorkSpaces Core is important, how to architect VDI solutions with Amazon WorkSpaces Core, and how to get started! Every organization is at a different place […]