AWS Developer Tools Blog
AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: Improved Support for Serverless Applications (Part 3 of 3)
In the first part of the blog series, we created a new application named rekognition-service from the rekognition blueprint. In the second part, we deployed this serverless application to AWS CloudFormation. In this last part of the blog series, we describe how to test and check the result of the newly deployed rekognition-service application.
Test the rekognition-service application by using the Amazon S3 bucket editor
You can drag and drop a group of files, including folders, to the Amazon S3 bucket editor so you can upload them to an Amazon S3 bucket. The .jpg files trigger the underlying Lambda function to be tagged with the name and confidence value returned by Amazon Rekognition. You can also manually update and delete these tags by using the tag dialog box.
Check the Lambda logs by using the AWS Lambda function editor
You can also check the Lambda function logs by using the Lambda function editor. All the Amazon CloudWatch streams for the Lambda function are listed on the Logs tab in the editor. You can double-click one item to open the underlying one stream in Eclipse. You can also select multiple items, right-click, and then select Show Log Events to open the underlying streams in one batch.
This concludes our three-part series. What do you think of the rekognition serverless blueprint and the working flow in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse? If you have any requests for new blueprints and features in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse, please let us know. We appreciate your feedback.