AWS Machine Learning Blog

How DeepMap optimizes their video inference workflow with Amazon SageMaker Processing

Although we might think the world is already sufficiently mapped by the advent of global satellite images and street views, it’s far from complete because much of the world is still uncharted territory. Maps are designed for humans, and can’t be consumed by autonomous vehicles, which need a very different technology of maps with much […]

Automating business processes with machine learning in the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 has changed our world significantly. All of this change has been almost instantaneous, forcing companies to pivot quickly and find new ways to operate. Automation is playing an increasingly important role to help companies adjust. The ability to automate business processes with machine learning (ML) is unlocking new efficiencies and allowing companies to move […]

Helping small businesses deliver personalized experiences with the Amazon Personalize extension for Magento

This is a guest post by Jeff Finkelstein, founder of Customer Paradigm, a full-service interactive media firm and Magento solutions partner. Many small retailers use Magento, an open-source ecommerce platform, to create websites or mobile applications to sell their products online. Personalization is key to creating high-quality ecommerce experiences, but small businesses often lack access […]

Detecting hidden but non-trivial problems in transfer learning models using Amazon SageMaker Debugger

Rapid development of deep learning technology has produced an abundance of open-sourced, pre-trained models in computer vision and natural language processing. As a result, transfer learning has become a popular approach in deep learning. Transfer learning is a machine learning technique where a model pre-trained on one task is fine-tuned on a new task. Given […]

Using Transformers to create music in AWS DeepComposer Music studio

AWS DeepComposer provides a creative and hands-on experience for learning generative AI and machine learning (ML). We recently launched a Transformer-based model that iteratively extends your input melody up to 20 seconds. This newly created extension will use the style and musical motifs found in your input melody and create additional notes that sound like they’ve come […]

Store output in custom Amazon S3 bucket and encrypt using AWS KMS for multi-page document processing with Amazon Textract

Amazon Textract is a fully managed machine learning (ML) service that makes it easy to process documents at scale by automatically extracting printed text, handwriting, and other data from virtually any type of document. Amazon Textract goes beyond simple optical character recognition (OCR) to also identify the contents of fields in forms and information stored […]

Incorporating your enterprise knowledge graph into Amazon Kendra

June 2023: This post was reviewed and updated for accuracy. For many organizations, consolidating information assets and making them available to employees when needed remains a challenge. Commonly used technology like spreadsheets, relational databases, and NoSQL databases exacerbate this issue by creating more and more unconnected, unstructured data. Knowledge graphs can provide easier access and […]

Predicting qualification ranking based on practice session performance for Formula 1 Grand Prix

If you’re a Formula 1 (F1) fan, have you ever wondered why F1 teams have very different performances between qualifying and practice sessions? Why do they have multiple practice sessions in the first place? Can practice session results actually tell something about the upcoming qualifying race? In this post, we answer these questions and more. […]

Amazon Textract recognizes handwriting and adds five new languages

Documents are a primary tool for communication, collaboration, record keeping, and transactions across industries, including financial, medical, legal, and real estate. The format of data can pose an extra challenge in data extraction, especially if the content is typed, handwritten, or embedded in a form or table. Furthermore, extracting data from your documents is manual, […]

Extracting handwritten information through Amazon Textract

This post is guest authored by Vibhav Sangam Gupta, a Client Solutions Partner at Quantiphi, Inc. Quantiphi is an award-winning applied AI and data science software and services company driven by the desire to solve transformational problems at the heart of business. We are passionate about our customers and obsessed with problem-solving to make products […]