AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: Resilience

Resiliency Journey : exploring how AWS Resilience Hub and Migration Acceleration Program come together

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the cloud has become the backbone of innovation, scalability, and efficiency for businesses worldwide. As customers embark on their cloud migration journeys, whether the migration has been motivated by the intention of accelerating innovation, reducing operational and infrastructure costs, or exiting your on-prem datacenter, migrating to the cloud presents […]

Leverage AWS Resilience Lifecycle Framework to assess and improve the resilience of application using AWS Resilience Hub

As more customers advance in their cloud adoption journey, they recognize that simply migrating applications to the cloud does not automatically ensure resilience. To ensure resilience, applications need to be designed to withstand disruptions from infrastructure, dependent services, misconfiguration and intermittent network connectivity issues. While many organizations understand the importance of building resilient applications, some […]

Using the Fault Tolerance Analyser Tool to Identify Potential Issues

Introduction Ensuring resilience, the ability for a system to recover from a failure induced by load, attacks, and other issues, is a shared responsibility that underpins the reliability of your workloads. While AWS provides the resilient underlying cloud infrastructure, customers are tasked with maintaining the resilience of their applications. In this landscape of joint responsibility, […]

Validating and Improving the RTO and RPO Using AWS Resilience Hub

“Everything fails, all the time”, a famous quote from Werner Vogels, VP and CTO of When you design and build an application, a typical goal is to have it working, the next is to keep it running, no matter what disruptions may occur. It is crucial to achieve resiliency, but you need to consider […]