AWS Open Source Blog
Category: Open Source
Adding security workflows to OpenTelemetry
In this blog post, intern engineers Karen Xu and Kelvin Lo describe their experience working in the popular open source project, OpenTelemetry. They describe how they added security scanning workflows to the project, including how it supports a major milestone in readying the software for production use. In any important and widely adopted open source […]
Introducing DenseClus, an open source clustering package for mixed-type data
Today we announce the alpha release of DenseClus, an open source package for clustering high-dimensional, mixed-type data. DenseClus uses the uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) and hierarchical density based clustering (HDBSCAN) algorithms to arrive at a clustering solution for both categorical and numerical data. With DenseClus, you provide a dataframe, and it will then […]
Best practices for migrating self-hosted Prometheus on Amazon EKS to Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus
With Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers adopting Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), we often see requests for information regarding best practices to follow when moving self-managed Prometheus on Amazon EKS to AMP. In this article, we’ll examine those best practices, with a focus on the five pillars […]
Keeping clients of OpenSearch and Elasticsearch compatible with open source
The OpenSearch project is a long-term investment in a secure, high-quality, Apache-2.0 licensed search and analytics suite with a rich roadmap of innovative functionality. OpenSearch aims to provide wire compatibility with open source distributions of Elasticsearch 7.10.2, the software from which it was derived. This makes it easy for developers to migrate their applications to […]
Supporting development of Core WCF
Core WCF is a port of Windows Communication Framework (WCF) to .NET Core. Used to build service-oriented applications based on the .NET Framework, WCF enabled applications to asynchronously send data, packaged as messages, between service endpoints. WCF is a popular framework supporting many service-based use cases, including processing business transactions, reporting, monitoring, exposing workflows (implemented […]
How AWS and Redis Labs partner to make a better Redis
One of the best things about open source is its community. It’s the community that helps to popularize a project. It’s the community that helps to build the project through code, documentation, and other contributions. It’s the community that sometimes turns into paying customers, too. But it’s also the community that may compete with you. […]
Serverless COBOL: Rejuvenating legacy code with open source software — Part 2
The benefits of the serverless architecture are not reserved to newly written applications. Legacy code can be combined with leading-edge technologies by deploying them in a cloud platform. This will ensure reuse of the massive existing legacy assets and further extend their life, thus using them in new ways. Serverless COBOL: Rejuvenating legacy code with […]
Serverless COBOL: Rejuvenating legacy code with open source software — Part 1
In this post, we explain how using open source software, GnuCOBOL, combined with AWS Lambda functions, can extend the life of legacy code into a serverless context. We also examine additional benefits of open source software when legacy features are deployed in such a modern environment. The COBOL code described in this post—CI/CD scripts—are available […]
Using cloud computing to develop an open source infection prevention and disease control solution
This post was written by Nelson Assis, Zoltan Bozoky, Soyean Kim, and Victor Leung. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted areas needing improvement in the Canadian healthcare and life sciences ecosystem. For example, as ICU beds filled with COVID-19 patients, healthcare professionals working on infection prevention and control did not have as much availability for processing patient […]
OpenSearch 1.0 launches
In April this year, we introduced OpenSearch, a community-driven, open source search and analytics suite derived from open source Elasticsearch 7.10.2 and Kibana 7.10.2. The project consists of a search engine (OpenSearch), a visualization and user interface (OpenSearch Dashboards), and the advanced features from Open Distro for Elasticsearch (our previous distribution of Elasticsearch) such as […]