AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Open Source

2019 All Things Open main page.

Join us for the Open Distro Hack Day and more at All Things Open in Raleigh, NC

Note: See the All Things Open 2018 – Conference Wrap-Up for links to slides and more! We’re excited to return to one of our favorite open source community conferences, All Things Open, taking place October 13-15 in Raleigh, NC. AWS is a Presenting Sponsor, and we have some great events lined up – please join […]

Polaris dashboard.

Running secure workloads on EKS using Fairwinds Polaris

Getting configurations right, especially at scale, can be a challenging task in cloud-native land. Automation helps you to make that task more manageable. In this guest post from EJ Etherington, CTO for Fairwinds, we look at an open source tool that allows you to check your EKS cluster setup, providing you with a graphical overview […]

Data flow: robot or edge device to Amazon CloudWatch.

AWS RoboMaker’s CloudWatch ROS nodes with offline support

Developers and roboticists alike use a variety of tools to monitor and diagnose remote systems. One such tool is Amazon CloudWatch, a monitoring and management service that enables users to collect performance and operational data in the form of logs and metrics from a single platform. AWS RoboMaker‘s CloudWatch extensions are open source Robot Operating […]

.NET foundation logo.

AWS Joins the .NET Foundation

Fred Wurden, General Manager of AWS Windows and Enterprise and Norm Johanson, Senior Software Dev Engineer, AWS SDKs and Tools We’re excited to announce today that AWS is joining the .NET Foundation as a corporate sponsor. AWS has a long-standing commitment to .NET, with a decade of experience running Microsoft Windows and .NET on AWS. […]

EKS support for the EBS CSI driver

Today, we are announcing EKS support for the EBS Container Storage Interface driver, an initiative to create unified storage interfaces between container orchestrators such as Kubernetes and storage vendors like AWS. A History of Storage in Kubernetes As originally conceived, containers were a great fit for stateless applications. However, there was no provision for persistent […]

Spinnaker project logo

Building Spinnaker features for Amazon ECS

For the past year, AWS Container Services has been contributing to Amazon ECS support in Spinnaker, the popular cloud-based continuous delivery platform. Originally open sourced by Netflix in 2015, Spinnaker has become a compelling CI/CD solution for customers looking to standardize their deployment process across multiple platforms and integrate with existing tools like Jenkins or […]

Introducing fine-grained IAM roles for service accounts

Here at AWS we focus first and foremost on customer needs. In the context of access control in Amazon EKS, you asked in issue #23 of our public container roadmap for fine-grained IAM roles in EKS. To address this need, the community came up with a number of open source solutions, such as kube2iam, kiam, […]

The OKTA login screen for logging in to Open Distro For Elasticsearch Kibana

Add Single Sign-On (SSO) to Open Distro for Elasticsearch Kibana using SAML and Okta

Open Distro for Elasticsearch Security implements the web browser single sign-on (SSO) profile of the SAML 2.0 protocol. This enables you to configure federated access with any SAML 2.0 compliant identity provider (IdP). In a prior post, I discussed setting up SAML-based SSO using Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). In this post, I’ll cover […]

Diagram of six elasticsearch nodes with three indexes showing uneven, skewed CPU, RAM, JVM, and I/O usage.

Demystifying Elasticsearch shard allocation

At the core of OpenSearch’s ability to provide a seamless scaling experience, lies its ability distribute its workload across machines. This is achieved via sharding. When you create an index you set a primary and replica shard count for that index. Elasticsearch distributes your data and requests across those shards, and the shards across your […]