AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Open Source

diagram: Network load balancer in front of the Ingress resource.

Using a Network Load Balancer with the NGINX Ingress Controller on Amazon EKS

Kubernetes Ingress is an API object that provides a collection of routing rules that govern how external/internal users access Kubernetes services running in a cluster. An ingress controller is responsible for reading the ingress resource information and processing it appropriately. As there are different ingress controllers that can do this job, it’s important to choose the right one for the type […]

Amazon API Gateway for HPC job submission

AWS ParallelCluster simplifies the creation and the deployment of HPC clusters. Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. In this post we combine AWS ParallelCluster and Amazon API Gateway to allow an HTTP interaction with the scheduler. […]

Open Distro for Elasticsearch logo.

Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.1.0 released

We are happy to announce that Open Distro for Elasticsearch 1.1.0 is now available for download! Version 1.1.0 includes the upstream open source versions of Elasticsearch 7.1.1, Kibana 7.1.1, and the latest updates for alerting, SQL, security, performance analyzer, and Kibana plugins, as well as the SQL JDBC driver. You can find details on enhancements, […]

An Open Distro for Elasticsearch cluster with balanced resource usage

Use Elasticsearch’s _rollover API For efficient storage distribution

Many Open Distro for Elasticsearch users manage data life cycle in their clusters by creating an index based on a standard time period, usually one index per day. This pattern has many advantages: ingest tools like Logstash support index rollover out of the box; defining a retention window is straightforward; and deleting old data is […]

Add Single Sign-On to Open Distro for Elasticsearch Kibana Using SAML and ADFS

Open Distro for Elasticsearch Security (Open Distro Security) comes with authentication and access control out of the box. Prior posts have discussed LDAP integration with Open Distro for Elasticsearch and JSON Web Token authentication with Open Distro for Elasticsearch. Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML) is an open standard for exchanging identity and security information […]

Diagram showing where PartiQL fits with other data sources.

Announcing PartiQL: One query language for all your data

Data is being gathered and created at rates unprecedented in history. Much of this data is intended to drive business outcomes but, according to the Harvard Business Review, “…on average, less than half of an organization’s structured data is actively used in making decisions…” The root of the problem is that data is typically spread […]

AWS Parallel Cluster graphic

AWS ParallelCluster with AWS Directory Services Authentication

AWS ParallelCluster simplifies the creation and deployment of HPC clusters. In this post we combine ParallelCluster with AWS Directory Services to create a multi-user, POSIX-compliant system with centralized authentication and automated home directory creation. To grant only the minimum permissions to the nodes in the cluster, no AD configuration parameters or permissions are stored directly […]

Best Practices for Running Ansys Fluent Using AWS ParallelCluster

Using HPC (high performance computing) to solve Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) challenges has become common practice. As the growth from HPC workstation to supercomputer has slowed over the last decade or two, compute clusters have increasingly taken the place of single, big SMP (shared memory processing) supercomputers, and have become the ‘new normal’. Another, more […]

diagram: configure Gravitational’s ( Teleport ( as an authentication proxy for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS ( using GitHub as the identity provider for authenticating users.

Authenticating to EKS Using GitHub Credentials with Teleport

July 15, 2020 update: Gravitational has updated the instructions for using Teleport with EKS to account for the latest changes in both products. Please see the Gravitational documentation for further details.  This post describes how to configure Gravitational’s Teleport as an authentication proxy for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), using GitHub as the identity […]

eksctl – the EKS CLI

When we launched Amazon EKS, we had a plan for a more complete command line. We were intrigued by Weaveworks’ simultaneous launch of the open source command line tool eksctl, and excited about the user feedback we were hearing. We decided, instead of building our own, to embrace eksctl as part of the EKS planning […]