AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Geospatial ML with Amazon SageMaker

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "21 new or updated datasets available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS"

21 new or updated datasets available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on AWS. Through this program, customers are making more than 100 petabytes (PB) of high-value, cloud-optimized data available for public use. This past quarter, AWS released 21 new or updated datasets. What will you build with these datasets?

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "34 new or updated datasets available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS"

34 new or updated datasets available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on AWS. Through this program, customers are making more than 100 petabytes (PB) of high-value, cloud-optimized data available for public use. Read this blog post to learn about the 34 new or updated datasets that were released in the first quarter.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "34 new or updated datasets available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS"

34 new or updated datasets available on the Registry of Open Data on AWS

This quarter, AWS released 34 new or updated datasets on the Register of Open Data. What will you build with these datasets? Read through this blog post for inspiration.