AWS Security Blog

Get the best out of Amazon Verified Permissions by using fine-grained authorization methods

With the release of Amazon Verified Permissions, developers of custom applications can implement access control logic based on caller and resource information; group membership, hierarchy, and relationship; and session context, such as device posture, location, time, or method of authentication. With Amazon Verified Permissions, you can focus on building simple authorization policies and your applications—instead of, for example, building an authorization engine for your multi-tenant consumer applications.

Amazon Verified Permissions uses the Cedar policy language, which simplifies the implementation, review, and maintenance of large and complex access control strategies.

Amazon Verified Permissions includes schema definitions, policy statement grammar, and automated reasoning that scales across millions of permissions, which enables you to enforce the principles of default deny and of least privilege. These features facilitate the deployment of an in-depth fine-grained authorization model to support your Zero-Trust objectives.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how you can use Amazon Verified Permissions to create authorization policies that are an improvement over traditional access control models, and we provide some best practices for the use of this feature.

What is fine-grained authorization? Is it a role-based or an attribute-based access control mechanism?

Traditionally, customers deploy access control strategies based on roles or attributes.

Role-based access control (RBAC) is an approach of granting access to resources through group memberships instead of individual users. This approach, although it simplifies the definition of entitlements, can become very complex when you scale out groups’ memberships, hierarchies, and nestings.

Consider a photo sharing application that allows users to upload photos and share those photos with friends. We have a user Alice who uploads their vacation photos to a folder named Austin2022. Alice decides to share these photos with friends.

Alice provides a link to their vacation photos to a friend named Bob. Using the link, Bob is able to view photos in the folder Austin2022, because Bob is in the user group Alice/Friends. That is, Bob has the role of Alice/Friends. If Bob were removed as Alice’s friend, Bob would not be able to view Alice’s photos. This is an example of how role-based access control works.

Attribute-based access control (ABAC) deviates from the static nature of RBAC by introducing access rules based on the characteristics of the following: the requestor identity; the attributes of the resources targeted; or contextual elements such as the request time, where the request originated, or the device used to make the request.

Let’s consider who can delete photos in the example photo sharing application. We want to make sure that only Alice can delete their photos. That is, we make an authorization decision based on the attribute owner of the resource photo.

Fine-grained authorization (FGA) is a model that combines the advantages of both RBAC and ABAC, so that customers can find the right balance between each approach for their individual use case. Understanding the FGA approach is key to writing policy statements in Amazon Verified Permissions.

How does permissions policy statement language work?

To define a policy statement, Amazon Verified Permissions uses a policy language based on the PARC model, as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) does for IAM policies. PARC refers to the four objects in the policy language: principal, action, resource, and condition, and these are defined as follows:

  1. The principal is the entity taking the action. Often this will be a human user, but it could also be another service or a device.
  2. The action is the operation being performed, for which permission must be granted. Often the action will map to an API call.
  3. The resource is the target of the call.
  4. The condition limits when or where the principal can make the action on the resource.

Using this language, you can create a policy that allows user Alice (the principal) to call deletePhoto (the action) on VacationPhoto_1.jpg (the resource) when Alice is logged in by using multi-factor authentication (the condition). After the Amazon Verified Permissions policy is authored, you will store it in your Amazon Verified Permissions policy store instance.

Policy statements are divided into two sections:

  1. The policy head, which defines the targets of the policy (principal, action, resource) and whether the policy permits or forbids the action.
  2. The Conditions section, which allows you to place conditions that authorize API actions only when specified criteria are met.

You can use the structure of the policy statements to tell at a glance whether a policy follows an RBAC, an ABAC, or an FGA approach, as shown in the following three examples.

// This style of policy can be used to implement a RBAC approach
  principal in UserGroup::"Alice/Friends",
  action in [
  resource in Folder::"Playa del Sol 2021"
// This style of policy can be used to implement an ABAC approach
permit(principal, action, resource)
when {
  principal.permitted_access_level >= resource.access_level
// This style of policy can be used to implement a hybrid approach
  principal in UserGroup::"Alice/Friends",
  action in [
  resource in Folder::"Playa del Sol 2021"
when {
  principal.permitted_access_level >= resource.access_level

Let’s go back to our example of Alice and Bob. Now, Alice can define a policy that allows their friends to view photos in their folder Austin2022, as follows.

    principal in UserGroup::"Alice/Friends",
    action == Action::"viewPhoto",
    resource in Folder::"Austin2022"

The policy head says to permit the viewPhoto action to be performed on resources in the folder Austin2022 for principals in user group Alice/Friends. There is no condition section for this policy. With the preceding policy, Bob can access the photos in Alice’s Austin2022 album as long as Bob is a member of the group Alice/Friends.

We can go back to the photo deletion workflow for a more complex scenario. To delete photos, you want to ensure that the requestor owns the photo. Additionally, you might require the user to be logged in via multi-factor authentication (MFA). This policy can be written as follows.

    action == Action::"deletePhoto",
    resource == File::"photo"
when {
    resource.owner ==
    && context.MFA == true

The policy head permits a user to call the action deletePhoto on photos. The condition section limits the policy to permit photo deletion only when the resource’s owner attribute is the same as the principal’s name attribute and the context object’s MFA attribute equals true.

Designing well-architected policy statements

In this section, we cover six best practices that help customers scale out efficiently.

Use immutable identifiers to reduce risk of collision

The policy statements in this blog post and in Amazon Verified Permissions documentation intentionally use human-readable values such as Bob for a Principal entity, or Alice/Friends for a Group entity. This is useful when discussing general concepts, but in production systems, customers should utilize unique and immutable values for entities. As an example, what would happen if Alice wants to change their user name?

Instead of creating a user named Alice, you should use an autogenerated and unique identifier such as a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Those are generally available from your user directory, JSON Web Token, or file system. That way, you can create a user object with the ID a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111 and the name attribute Alice. This would allow you to update Alice’s user name without needing to recreate the user object.

Reduce the number of policies by using entity grouping

Policy statements can only contain a single principal entity and a single resource entity. If you want the same policy to apply to multiple principals or resources, you can group common entities and use an in statement.

In this example, Bob’s user account could be stored as the following object.

    "EntityId": {
        "EntityType": "User",
        "EntityId": "Bob"
            "EntityType": "UserGroup",
            "EntityId": "Alice/Friends"
    "Attributes": {
        "username": {
            "String": "Bob"
        "email": {

And user group Alice/Friends could be stored as the following object.

  "EntityId": {                     
    "EntityType": "UserGroup",                     
    "EntityId": "Alice/Friends"

The parent relationship defined in Bob’s user account object is what makes Bob a member of the group Alice/Friends.

Now you can define a policy that allows Bob to gain access to Alice’s vacation photos because he is in the group Alice/Friends, as follows.

    principal in UserGroup::"Alice/Friends",
    action == Action::"viewPhoto",
    resource in Folder::"Austin2022"

Use namespaces to remove ambiguity

You can use namespaces to remove ambiguity. Returning to our application, let’s say that you want to give users the ability to delete their photos. But your moderators also need the ability to delete inappropriate photos. How can you distinguish between the user action deletePhoto and the administrator action deletePhoto? Namespaces give you this flexibility.

When creating your entities, you can add namespaces in the EntityType field, as in the following example.

  "EntityId": {
    "EntityType": "Admin::Action",
    "EntityId": "\"deletePhoto\""    
  "Parents" : []
  "Attributes": {
    "readOnly": {
      "String": "false",
      "appliesTo": {
        "String": "\"Photo\""

You then use the namespace in your permit policy, as follows.

  action == Admin::Action::"deletePhoto",
  resource == File::"Photo")
when {
  principal.role == Moderator

This policy requires a user to have the role Moderator to successfully use the administrator deletePhoto action.

Set permission guardrails with forbid statements

The Amazon Verified Permissions policy engine denies any action that is not explicitly allowed with a permit policy. But you might want to establish permission guardrails to ensure that an action will be never allowed. You can create forbid policies for this purpose.

Returning to our photo sharing application, suppose that you want to ensure that no user can delete a photo unless the user has been authenticated with MFA. You could use the following policy.

  action == Action::"deletePhoto",
  resource == File::"Photo"
unless {
  context.MFA == true

This permission guardrail will help prevent the accidental grant of overly permissive deletePhoto permissions.

Simplify statements with unless conditions

When you define complex conditions for a policy statement, you might face situations where a policy needs multiple negative conditions. Amazon Verified Permissions provides an alternative keyword for the conditional expression: unless. For example, you might deny moderators the ability to delete photos unless they have flagged the photo as inappropriate, are authenticated using MFA, and are on the company’s network, in order to simplify policy statements.

Unless behaves the same as when, except that using unless requires all conditions to evaluate as false. With this additional expression, you can create statement that are less complex to review and maintain. The following example shows how you can simplify a condition with multiple parameters by using the unless expression.

// Allow access unless a resource was deleted more than 7 days ago
  principal in Group::"Alice/Friends",
  action == Action::"readPhoto",
  resource in Folder::"Playa del Sol 2021"
when {
  !(resource.status == "deleted"
   && resource.deletion_date < ( - 604800)) //7 days ago

The following example shows how you can simplify the previous policy by using an unless expression.

// Allow access unless a resource was deleted more than 7 days ago
  principal in Group::"Alice/Friends",
  action == Action::"readPhoto",
  resource in Folder::"Playa del Sol 2021"
unless {
  (resource.status == "deleted"
   && resource.deletion_date < ( - 604800)) //7 days ago

Rationalize policies with a template

You might face a situation where you are repeatedly creating the same rule for different contexts. In the following example, we demonstrate a policy that permits Alice to describe the folder Alice’s Org. Then we replicate the same policy for Bob and the folder Bob’s Org.

    principal == "Alice",
    action == Action::"describeFolder",
    resource == Folder::"Alice's Org"
when {
    resource.owner == principal.username

    principal == "Bob",
    action == Action::"describeFolder",
    resource == Folder::"Bob's Org"
when {
    resource.owner == principal.username

In this case, we recommend that you use a policy template to simplify the evaluation, as in the following example.

    principal == ?principal,
    action == Action::"describeFolder",
    resource == ?resource
when {
    resource.owner == principal.username

You can then instantiate the template twice, once with Bob and once with Alice. This prevents you from repeating yourself, and gives you a central place to update the logic in the future.

Conclusion: Start authorizing with Amazon Verified Permissions

With Amazon Verified Permissions, you can create permission policies with expressiveness, performance, and readability in mind.

Using the best practices described in this post, you are ready to author policies with Amazon Verified Permissions. When combined with services like Amazon Cognito, Amazon API Gateway, an AWS Lambda authorizer, or AWS AppSync, Amazon Verified Permissions allows you to unlock in-depth and explicit access control logic securely using native AWS services.

Over the next months, AWS will release more resources to support our customers in their implementation of Amazon Verified Permissions. Learn more about Amazon Verified Permissions. Stay tuned and happy building.

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Jeff Lombardo

Jeff is a Solutions Architect expert in IAM, Application Security, and Data Protection. Through 17 years as a security consultant for enterprises of all sizes and business verticals, he delivered innovative solutions with respect to standards and governance frameworks. Today at AWS, he helps organizations enforce best practices and defense in depth for secure cloud adoption.

Brad Burnett

Brad Burnett

Brad is a Security Specialist Solutions Architect focused on Identity. Before AWS, he worked as a Linux Systems Administrator and Incident Responder. When he isn’t helping customers design robust and secure Identity solutions, Brad can be found sharpening his offensive security skills or playing card games.