AWS Architecture Blog

Category: AWS Outposts

Architecture for a deployment across two logical AWS Outposts

Deploying Oracle RAC in AWS Outposts via FlashGrid Cluster

Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers are deploying AWS Outposts as a fully managed solution that delivers AWS infrastructure and services to on-premises or edge locations for a truly consistent hybrid experience. Those hybrid cloud workloads can require highly available Oracle databases running on- or close-to premises. One way to meet this requirement is Oracle Real […]

Figure 1. Redundant direct connection from Hawaii to the US mainland

Building Resilient and High Performing Cloud-based Applications in Hawaii

Hawaii is building a digital economy for a sustainable future. Many local businesses are already embarking on their journey to the cloud to meet their customers’ growing demand for digital services. To access Amazon Web Services (AWS) on the US mainland, customers’ data must traverse through submarine fiber-optic cable networks approximately 2,800 miles across the […]

Architecture for a multi-Region setup using a Region and Outpost

Ensure Workload Resiliency and Comply with Data Residency Requirements with AWS Outposts

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Personal Health Information (PHI) data are critical to the continued operation of healthcare organizations. Disaster recovery (DR) strategies must ensure that healthcare provider workloads with PII and PHI data operate with near-zero data loss recovery point objective (RPO) and recovery time objective (RTO). In most cases, an organization would typically […]

Field Notes: Setting Up Disaster Recovery in a Different Seismic Zone Using AWS Outposts

Recovering your mission-critical workloads from outages is essential for business continuity and providing services to customers with little or no interruption. That’s why many customers replicate their mission-critical workloads in multiple places using a Disaster Recovery (DR) strategy suited for their needs. With AWS, a customer can achieve this by deploying multi Availability Zone High-Availability […]

AWS Well-Architected

What’s New in the Well-Architected Performance Efficiency Pillar?

We recently published a significant update to the AWS Well-Architected Framework, and as part of that update, the Performance Efficiency Pillar whitepaper has been streamlined and improved. The questions in the whitepaper are now better aligned with those in the AWS Well-Architected Tool, making it easy to cross-reference between them when reviewing workloads. With clearer […]

End-to-end view from sizing to consumption

Field Notes: Preparing for AWS Outposts: Ordering, Delivery, and Installation

AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to customer premises. By providing local access to AWS managed infrastructure, AWS Outposts enables customers to build and run applications on premises using the same programming interfaces as in AWS Regions, while using local compute and storage resources for lower […]