AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: .NET

AWS Tools for PowerShell is now generally available with version 4.0

Dear AWS PowerShell Customers, We are excited to announce the GA release of version 4 of our PowerShell modules! AWS Tools for PowerShell is available in three different variants: AWS.Tools is the new modular variant that allows for faster import times and a smaller footprint. AWS.Tools is compatible with both PowerShell Core 6+ and Windows PowerShell 5.1 when .NET Framework 4.7.2 is installed. Starting with […]

Preview of AWS Tools for PowerShell v4 features

In August, the AWS .NET Team released the first preview of AWS.Tools: the modular version of AWS Tools for PowerShell. As we are close to declaring AWS.Tools ready for production use, we can now announce that the generally available version of AWS.Tools will be part of a major version update of AWS Tools for PowerShell […]

Developing a Microsoft .NET Core Web API application with Aurora Database using CloudFormation

Real world Microsoft workloads have a lot of Web APIs that are native to Microsoft methods for serving front-end applications (like ASP.NET, ASP.NET Razor/MVC, ReactJS or Angular Application). Even though there are customers who want to try serverless with AWS Lambda, they often have to continue to maintain many existing .NET web APIs. These applications […]

Referencing the AWS SDK for .NET Standard 2.0 from Unity, Xamarin, or UWP

In March 2019, AWS announced support for .NET Standard 2.0 in SDK for .NET. They also announced plans to remove the Portable Class Library (PCL) assemblies from NuGet packages in favor of the .NET Standard 2.0 binaries. If you’re starting a new project targeting a platform supported by .NET Standard 2.0, especially recent versions of Unity, Xamarin and […]

PowerShell Standard support in AWSPowerShell.NetCore

In 2016, we released AWS Tools for PowerShell Core targeting PowerShell Core 6.0, which provided cross-platform support for macOS and Linux, in addition to Windows. We published this module separately from AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell because it was not compatible with earlier versions of PowerShell. Last year, Microsoft released PowerShell Standard: a new library […]

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio now supports Visual Studio 2019

A new release of the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio has been published to Visual Studio marketplace. This new release adds support for Visual Studio 2019. Visual Studio 2019 is currently in preview, however, Microsoft has announced the general availability (GA) release date to be April 2, 2019. The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio provides […]

AWS Lambda layers with .NET Core

Update October 15, 2020: Version 4.2.0 of Amazon.Lambda.Tools has been released that adds Lambda layers support for .NET Core 3.1. This was initially disabled due to an issue in the .NET Core SDK. A fix was released in version 3.1.400 of the .NET Core SDK and is the required minimum to be installed to create […]

Now generally available: the ASP.NET Core Identity Provider for Amazon Cognito

We’re pleased to announce the general availability of the ASP.NET Core Identity Provider for Amazon Cognito, which enables ASP.NET Core developers to easily integrate with Amazon Cognito in their web applications. Targeting .NET Standard 2.0, the custom ASP.NET Core Identity Provider for Amazon Cognito extends the ASP.NET Core Identity membership system by providing Amazon Cognito […]

AWS SDK for .NET now targets .NET Standard 2.0

The AWS SDK for .NET is distributed via NuGet packages for each service and a common core NuGet package. Each NuGet package contains different .NET assemblies, depending on your development platform. This includes .NET Framework 4.5, .NET Framework 3.5, the Portable Class Library version for Xamarin, and .NET Standard 1.3. As .NET Core and .NET […]