AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: .NET

Announcing Amazon.Lambda.RuntimeSupport

We’ve received many requests to include more versions of .NET Core in AWS Lambda. Customers want the flexibility to write Lambda functions in LTS, current, and preview versions of .NET Core. Until now, you could use only LTS versions. The new Amazon.Lambda.RuntimeSupport library changes that. Today we’ve released the Amazon.Lambda.RuntimeSupport library that enables you to […]

Updates for serverless ASP.NET Core

Elastic Load Balancing recently added support for routing requests from an Application Load Balancer to AWS Lambda functions. This enables developers who are already using an Application Load Balancer to easily add serverless functionality to their existing applications. Amazon API Gateway also updated the requests and responses sent to Lambda functions to include multivalue support […]

AWS X-Ray support for .NET Core is GA

Last year the X-Ray team released a preview 2.0 version of the AWS X-Ray libraries for .NET Core. Today, these libraries are generally available (GA) as version 2.5. AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture. With X-Ray, you can understand how your application and its […]

Introducing the ASP.NET Core Identity Provider Preview for Amazon Cognito

Yesterday we announced the general availability of the Amazon CognitoAuthentication Extension Library, which enables .NET Core developers to easily integrate with Amazon Cognito in their application. We want to further simplify the integration process into ASP.NET Core, so today we’re releasing the developer preview of the custom ASP.NET Core Identity Provider for Amazon Cognito. Targeting […]

Now generally available: Amazon CognitoAuthentication Extension Library

We’re excited to announce the general availability of the Amazon CognitoAuthentication Extension Library! The general availability release adds security, improves performance, and fixes bugs to the previously available developer preview. This library simplifies the authentication process of Amazon Cognito user pools for .NET Core and Xamarin applications, and targets .NET Standard 2.0. Amazon Cognito user […]

.NET Core configuration provider for AWS Systems Manager

Today, we released a new NuGet package, Amazon.Extensions.Configuration.SystemsManager. This NuGet package simplifies how your application loads the application configuration settings in the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store into the .NET Core configuration system. Configuration in .NET Core is quite different from what we’re used to in the .NET Framework. With the .NET Framework, we had […]

AWS SSM ASP.NET Core Data Protection Provider

The antiforgery framework is a critical part of ASP.NET Core. It ensures web forms and login pages haven’t been tampered with by storing crypto data with the form and then validating the form with a key created by the Data Protection framework. An ASP.NET Core Data Protection Provider is the building block that provides encryption […]

AWS Serverless applications with multiple .NET Core projects

When building a serverless application on AWS, AWS CloudFormation is incredibly important for deploying your AWS Lambda functions and the AWS resources that your application will interact with. With our AWS .NET Core Lambda tooling, when you create a serverless application an AWS CloudFormation template is added to your project. The template enables you to […]

Debugging .NET Core AWS Lambda functions using the AWS .NET Mock Lambda Test Tool

How to debug AWS Lambda functions is one of the most common questions we get from developers creating Lambda functions for .NET Core. The best practice is to write repeatable and automated tests to ensure that your functions stay correct as you make changes to them using frameworks like The programming model for Lambda […]