AWS Open Source Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

Amazon Chime SDK: Deploying live events solution screenshot

How to deploy a live events solution built with the Amazon Chime SDK

In this tutorial, I will explain how to deploy an interactive live events solution with which speakers can present to a large pre-selected audience, and moderators can screen attendees to participate in the broadcast. This interactive live events solution, built with the Amazon Chime SDK, addresses many of the shortcomings of traditional online meeting platforms […]

article lead image: examples of the implementation drawn from a sample shopping cart microservice

Simplifying serverless best practices with Lambda Powertools

Modern applications are increasingly relying on compute platforms based on containers and serverless technologies to provide scalability, cost efficiency, and agility. Although this shift toward more distributed architectures has unlocked many benefits, it has also introduced new complexity in how the applications are operated. In times past, debugging was as straightforward as logging into the […]

How a startup wants to help secure the open source ecosystem with huntr, a bug bounty board

This article is a guest post from 418sec co-founders Adam Nygate, Jake Mimoni, and Jamie Slome. Dependency on open source code has grown over the years, and as new open source technologies are introduced, so are more vulnerabilities. Review by “many eyes” helps secure open source software, and depends on exposing the code to as […]

Deploying an AWS Lambda function with the serverless framework and Tekton

This article is a guest post from Sebastien Goasguen, co-founder of TriggerMesh. Deploying AWS Lambda functions with the serverless framework is arguably the easiest way to deploy functions and configure how they get triggered. If you want to automate your function deployment, you will most likely do so via your CI/CD workflow. A CI/CD pipeline […]

How to integrate AWS Lambda with Spinnaker

In mid-2018, AWS began contributing to an exciting open source project, Spinnaker from Netflix. Spinnaker is a cloud-based continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes rapidly and reliably. Spinnaker enables developers to focus on writing code and deploying their applications without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. It integrates seamlessly with tools such as […]

User uploads data in BIDS format to S3 and starts the Lambda function → Lambda parses the uploaded data and launches a cluster of EC2 instances → EC2 instances run fMRIprep which preprocesses the data → preprocessed data are saved to S3.

fMRI data preprocessing on AWS using fMRIprep

A typical fMRI study often produces imaging data of terabytes or more. Storing and preprocessing this data can be challenging on a single computer because it often has neither enough disk space to store the data nor enough computing power to preprocess it. Traditionally, researchers use a combination of cloud-based storage and on-premises high-performance clusters […]

high-level architecture of the open source project for the Serverless App Repository in production.

How AWS built a production service using serverless technologies

Our customers are constantly seeking ways to increase agility and innovation in their organizations, and often reach out to us wanting to learn more about how we iterate quickly on behalf of our customers. As part of our unique culture (which Jeff Barr discusses at length in this keynote talk), we constantly explore ways to […]

Amazon API Gateway for HPC job submission

AWS ParallelCluster simplifies the creation and the deployment of HPC clusters. Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. In this post we combine AWS ParallelCluster and Amazon API Gateway to allow an HTTP interaction with the scheduler. […]

knative + TriggerMesh + EKS logos.

Deploying AWS Lambda-Compatible Functions in Amazon EKS using TriggerMesh KLR

中文版 – Custom AWS Lambda Runtimes were introduced at re:Invent 2018. Knative is an open source project to build, deploy, and manage serverless workloads. This post by Sebastien Goasguen explains that TriggerMesh’s Knative Lambda Runtime is a custom runtime that can run a Lambda function on Knative running on an Amazon EKS cluster. –Arun AWS […]