AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Open Source

Getting started with Jitsi, an open source web conferencing solution

Teams across the world are looking for solutions that help them to work and collaborate online in these unprecedented times. There are many options that customers have, so this post will help provide you with some options if you are looking. Many teams choose to use managed solutions to enable collaboration. If your business needs […]

Deploying an AWS Lambda function with the serverless framework and Tekton

This article is a guest post from Sebastien Goasguen, co-founder of TriggerMesh. Deploying AWS Lambda functions with the serverless framework is arguably the easiest way to deploy functions and configure how they get triggered. If you want to automate your function deployment, you will most likely do so via your CI/CD workflow. A CI/CD pipeline […]

diagram of host machine, container, code, and datasets and checkpoints

Why use Docker containers for machine learning development?

I like prototyping on my laptop, as much as the next person. When I want to collaborate, I push my code to GitHub and invite collaborators. And when I want to run experiments and need more compute power, I rent CPU and GPU instances in the cloud, copy my code and dependencies over, and run […]

24 open source tools for the serverless developer: Part 2

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. Visit the website to learn more. This article is a guest post from AWS Serverless Hero Yan Cui. In the first part of this two-part series, we looked at deployment frameworks and explored some of the best Serverless Framework plugins. We also […]

24 open source tools for the serverless developer: Part 1

This article is a guest post from AWS Serverless Hero Yan Cui. The mindset of a serverless developer is one of a minimalist: Don’t take on undifferentiated heavy-lifting, and leverage services as much as possible so we can focus on the things that actually differentiate our product and deliver value to our customers. In the […]

Introducing a Dart runtime for AWS Lambda

Dart is a fast growing open source programming language, and powers some rapidly growing open source projects, such as Flutter. Thanks to custom AWS Lambda runtimes, you can run Dart in AWS Lambda. Writing your functions in Dart enables you to use your skills to develop mobile applications to create serverless backends. You also can […]

How to integrate AWS Lambda with Spinnaker

In mid-2018, AWS began contributing to an exciting open source project, Spinnaker from Netflix. Spinnaker is a cloud-based continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes rapidly and reliably. Spinnaker enables developers to focus on writing code and deploying their applications without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. It integrates seamlessly with tools such as […]

AWS Sync Routes architecture diagram

Sync routes across route tables with AWS Sync Routes, a serverless open source project

If your network architecture includes multiple route tables in your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and you’ve been looking for an automated solution for synchronizing route target updates across route tables, check out the AWS Sync Routes project. Or, if you just want to explore a ready‑to‑deploy, serverless infrastructure as code project, then the AWS Sync Routes project can help here, too. This […]

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Continuous delivery with server-side Swift on AWS

Swift is a general-purpose programming language released by Apple in 2014. It aimed to provide many of the features of Objective-C, such as type safety, late binding, and dynamic dispatch, in a package that would improve developer productivity and code safety. Although Swift has been a popular replacement for Objective-C for iOS development, it is […]