AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Foundational (100)

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Containerize and deploy a gRPC application on AWS Fargate

These days, building an application distributed among processes, hosts, or even networks is much easier. This is partially due to an evolution in the protocols used to negotiate between different components of an application or service. This evolution is largely the result of the popularity of both the TCP and HTTP protocols as a means […]

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What is Deno?

Deno 1.0, a runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript, rolled out in May with appealing features for JavaScript developers, including: Secure defaults: Explicit permission must be granted for your Deno applications in order to access disk, network, and runtime environments. Native TypeScript support: No tsconfig needed—Deno acts like a native TypeScript runtime. Under the hood Deno […]

The Open Source Robot Operating System (ROS) and AWS RoboMaker

中文版 “There are certain problems within the robotics community that, at this point, are well enough solved that everybody kind of understands and more or less recognizes that this is the best approach to solve that problem. And so, wherever we can in the ROS community, we take those algorithms, implement them in open source […]