Why Cloud Services are Safe for Swedish Government Agencies: Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act
At AWS, security is job zero. As part of this mantra, we help our customers and partners meet or exceed their global and local security compliance standards and laws. We have a set of services and data protection capabilities that enables public sector customers in Sweden to automatically protect their data and comply with all Swedish data sovereignty requirements.
Putting the CLOUD Act into context

Cirio law firm: Cloud services, public access, and secrecy in the public sector
Read the “Cloud services, public access, and secrecy in the public sector” report by Cirio law firm. Learn about the legal requirements related to the use of cloud services in the public sector. The report describes the misinterpretations and ambiguities that stand in the way of the authorities' ability to use cloud services.

AWS and the CLOUD Act
Michael Punke, Vice President of Global Public Policy at AWS, highlights why the CLOUD Act should not change how customers use cloud services.
Read the blog (English) »
Read the blog (Swedish) »

IDC Executive Brief: Don’t Get Spooked by the CLOUD Act
Learn what the CLOUD Act is—and isn’t—and how it is going to impacts cloud usage and cloud service providers.
Read the executive brief (English) »
Read the executive brief (Swedish) »

More on the CLOUD Act
Find answers for the most common frequently asked questions about the CLOUD Act.
Serving as advocates and allies for our customers
The Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act (CLOUD Act) continues to draw the attention of customers and partners around the world, but does it really change anything for customers outside the United States? This session will seek to put the CLOUD Act into context by examining issues surrounding government access to data. Watch more, and learn what the CLOUD Act means for your customer.
External media: eSams utlåtande om molntjänster riskerar att skapa problem
Discover a leading expert’s a third-party’s perspective on the CLOUD Act.
Memorandum: The CLOUD Act
Synch Advokat AB have been asked by the American Chamber of Commerce in Sweden to prepare a memorandum on the CLOUD Act in order to explain and clarify the meaning and consequences of the same.
Download the Memorandum »
Go to page 6 for the summary in Swedish
Synch Advokat AB provides insight on the interim report from the Swedish IT opertions investigation: Secure and cost-effective IT operations - legal conditions for outsourcing.
AWS in the Nordics public sector
Public sector leaders who engage in true cloud computing projects overwhelmingly turn to Amazon Web Services (AWS) when they want to serve citizens more effectively, achieve scientific breakthroughs, reach broader constituents, and put more of their time and resources into their core missions.
Learn more about public sector innovation from AWS customers like SKL (Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting) and SciLifeLab by watching the videos below.
To find out how public sector organizations are taking advantage of cloud computing, please visit our AWS in the Nordics public sector page.