AWS Architecture Blog
Simplifying Multi-account CI/CD Deployments using AWS Proton
Many large enterprises, startups, and public sector entities maintain different deployment environments within multiple Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts to securely develop, test, and deploy their applications. Maintaining separate AWS accounts for different deployment stages is a standard practice for organizations. It helps developers limit the blast radius in case of failure when deploying updates to an application, and provides for more resilient and distributed systems.
Typically, the team that owns and maintains these environments (the platform team) is segregated from the development team. A platform team performs critical activities. These can include setting infrastructure and governance standards, keeping patch levels up to date, and maintaining security and monitoring standards. Development teams are responsible for writing the code, performing appropriate testing, and pushing code to repositories to initiate deployments. The development teams are focused more on delivering their application and less on the infrastructure and networking that ties them together. The segregation of duties and use of multi-account environments are effective from a regulatory and development standpoint. But monitoring, maintaining, and enabling the safe release to these environments can be cumbersome and error prone.
In this blog, you will see how to simplify multi-account deployments in an environment that is segregated between platform and development teams. We will show how you can use one consistent and standardized continuous delivery pipeline with AWS Proton.
Challenges with multi-account deployment
For platform teams, maintaining these large environments at different stages in the development lifecycle and within separate AWS accounts can be tedious. The platform teams must ensure that certain security and regulatory requirements (like networking or encryption standards) are implemented in each separate account and environment. When working in a multi-account structure, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions and cross-account access management can be a challenge for many account administrators. Many organizations rely on specific monitoring metrics and tagging strategies to perform basic functions. The platform team is responsible for enforcing these processes and implementing these details repeatedly across multiple accounts. This is a pain point for many infrastructure administrators or platform teams.
Platform teams are also responsible for ensuring a safe and secure application deployment pipeline. To do this, they isolate deployment and production environments from one another limiting the blast radius in case of failure. Platform teams enforce the principle of least privilege on each account, and implement proper testing and monitoring standards across the deployment pipeline.
Instead of focusing on the application and code, many developers face challenges complying with these rigorous security and infrastructure standards. This results in limited access to resources for developers. Delays come with reliance on administrators to deploy application code into production. This can lead to lags in deployment of updated code.
Deployment using AWS Proton
The ownership for infrastructure lies with the platform teams. They set the standards for security, code deployment, monitoring, and even networking. AWS Proton is an infrastructure provisioning and deployment service for serverless and container-based applications. Using AWS Proton, the platform team can provide their developers with a highly customized and catered “platform as a service” experience. This allows developers to focus their energy on building the best application, rather than spending time on orchestration tools. Platform teams can similarly focus on building the best platform for that application.
With AWS Proton, developers use predefined templates. With only a few input parameters, infrastructure can be provisioned and code deployed in an effective pipeline. This way you can get your application running and updated more quickly, see Figure 1.

Figure 1. Platform and development team roles when using AWS Proton
AWS Proton allows you to deploy any serverless or container-based application across multiple accounts. You can define infrastructure standards and effective continuous delivery pipelines for your organization. Proton breaks down the infrastructure into environment and service (“infrastructure as code” templates).
In Figure 2, platform teams provide a service template of a secure environment to host a microservices application on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and AWS Fargate. The environment template contains infrastructure that is shared across services. This includes the networking configuration: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), subnets, route tables, Internet Gateway, security groups, and ECS cluster definition for the Fargate service.
The service template provides details of the service. It includes the container task definitions, monitoring and logging definitions, and an effective continuous delivery pipeline. Using the environment and service template definitions, development teams can define the microservices that are running on Amazon ECS. They can deploy their code following the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.

Figure 2. Platform teams provision environment and service infrastructure as code templates in AWS Proton management account
Multi-account CI/CD deployment
For Figures 3 and 4, we used publicly available templates and created three separate AWS accounts: the AWS Proton management account, development account, and production environment accounts. Additional accounts may be added based on your use case and security requirements. As shown in Figure 3, the AWS Proton service account contains the environment, service, and pipeline templates. It also provides the connection to other accounts within the organization. The development and production accounts follow the structure of a development pipeline for a typical organization.
AWS Proton alleviates complicated cross-account policies by using a secure “environment account connection” feature. With environment account connections, platform administrators can give AWS Proton permissions to provision infrastructure in other accounts. They create an IAM role and specify a set of permissions in the target account. This enables Proton to assume the role from the management account to build resources in the target accounts.
AWS Key Management Service (KMS) policies can also be hard to manage in multi-account deployments. Proton reduces managing cross-account KMS permissions. In an AWS Proton management account, you can build a pipeline using a single artifact repository. You can also extend the pipeline to additional accounts from a single source of truth. This feature can be helpful when accounts are located in different Regions, due to regulatory requirements for example.

Figure 3. AWS Proton uses cross-account policies and provisions infrastructure in development and production accounts with environment connection feature
Once the environment and service templates are defined in the AWS Proton management account, the developer selects the templates. Proton then provisions the infrastructure, and the continuous delivery pipeline that will deploy the services to each separate account.
Developers commit code to a repository, and the pipeline is responsible for deploying to the different deployment stages. You don’t have to worry about any of the environment connection workflows. Proton allows platform teams to provide a single pipeline definition to deploy the code into multiple different accounts without any additional account level information. This standardizes the deployment process and implements effective testing and staging policies across the organization.
Platform teams can also inject manual approvals into the pipeline so they can control when a release is deployed. Developers can define tests that initiate after a deployment to ensure the validity of releases before moving to a production environment. This simplifies application code deployment in an AWS multi-account environment and allows updates to be deployed more quickly into production. The resulting deployed infrastructure is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. AWS Proton deploys service into multi-account environment through standardized continuous delivery pipeline
In this blog, we have outlined how using AWS Proton can simplify handling multi-account deployments using one consistent and standardized continuous delivery pipeline. AWS Proton addresses multiple challenges in the segregation of duties between developers and platform teams. By having one uniform resource for all these accounts and environments, developers can develop and deploy applications faster, while still complying with infrastructure and security standards.
For further reading:
Getting started with Proton
Identity and Access Management for AWS Proton
Proton administrative guide