AWS Compute Blog

Category: Front-End Web & Mobile

Easier integration with AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway

This week, Amazon API Gateway announced three new features that make it easier for you to leverage API Gateway and AWS Lambda to build your serverless applications. First, we now support catch-all path variables. You can define routes such as /store/{proxy+}, where the + symbol tells API Gateway to intercept all requests to the /store/* […]

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Techniques and Tools for Better Serverless API Logging with Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda

Ryan Green @ryangtweets Software Development Engineer, API Gateway Developing, testing, and operating Serverless APIs using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda can be made much easier with built-in support for Amazon CloudWatch Logs. In Lambda functions, you can use log statements to send log events to CloudWatch log streams, and API Gateway automatically submits log […]

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Migrating a Native JAVA REST API to a Serverless Architecture with the Lambada Framework for AWS

This is a guest post by Çağatay Gürtürk, the creator of the Lambada framework Serverless computing has become a hot topics since AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway started to offer an elegant way to build and deploy REST APIs without needing to maintain 24/7 running servers and infrastructure, with attractive pricing models. Being the […]

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Redirection in a Serverless API with AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway

Ronald Widha @ronaldwidha Partner Solutions Architect Redirection is neither a success nor an error response. You return redirection when the requested resource resides either temporarily or permanently under a different URI. The client needs to issue subsequent calls to the new location in order to retrieve the requested resource. Even though you typically see 302 […]

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Analyzing Genomics Data at Scale using R, AWS Lambda, and Amazon API Gateway

This is a guest post by Anish Kejariwal, Director of Engineering for Station X Station X has built the GenePool web platform for real time management, visualization, and understanding of clinical and genomic data at scale. As part of the GenePool analytics engine, R is used to calculate statistics that help scientists search for patterns […]

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Error Handling Patterns in Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda

Ryan Green @ryangtweets Software Development Engineer, API Gateway A common API design practice is to define an explicit contract for the types of error responses that the API can produce. This allows API consumers to implement a robust error-handling mechanism which may include user feedback or automatic retries, improving the usability and reliability of applications […]

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Using API Gateway with VPC endpoints via AWS Lambda

To isolate critical parts of their app’s architecture, customers often rely on Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and private subnets. Today, Amazon API Gateway cannot directly integrate with endpoints that live within a VPC without internet access. However, it is possible to proxy calls to your VPC endpoints using AWS Lambda functions. This post guides you […]

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Simply Serverless: Using AWS Lambda to Expose Custom Cookies with API Gateway

Simply Serverless Welcome to a new series on quick and simple hacks/tips/tricks and common use cases to using AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway. As always, I’m listening to readers (@listonb), so if you have any questions, comments or tips you’d like to see, let me know! This is a guest post by Jim Warner […]

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How to turn Node.js projects into AWS Lambda microservices easily with ClaudiaJS

This is a guest post by Gojko Adzic, creator of ClaudiaJS   While working on MindMup 2.0, we started moving parts of our API and back-end infrastructure from Heroku to AWS Lambda. The first Lambda function we created required a shell script of about 120 lines of AWS command-line calls to properly set up, and […]

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Amazon API Gateway mapping improvements

Yesterday we announced the new Swagger import API. You may have also noticed a new first time user experience in the API Gateway console that automatically creates a sample Pet Store API and guides you though API Gateway features. That is not all we’ve been doing: Over the past few weeks, we’ve made mapping requests and responses easier. […]

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