AWS Compute Blog
Decoupling larger applications with Amazon EventBridge
September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details.
Many applications start to grow in complexity as they mature, making it harder for developers to maintain code or add new features. This can lead to monolithic applications, where developers must know more about the entire architecture to make changes. Typically, this causes code to become more fragile, and the rate of development slows down.
This blog post shows how you can use an event-based architecture to decouple services and functional areas of applications. It uses the document repository solution as an example, to compare architecture after shifting to an event-based approach. The new architecture offers both greater extensibility and simplicity for developers adding new functionality in the future. It can help alleviate the problems associated with monolithic applications.
The original version of this application uses Amazon S3 event notifications to invoke AWS Lambda functions to index content in the Amazon Elasticsearch Service:
There are some limitations with this design. First, there is a single source bucket for documents, which may not reflect production usage. Also, while it could be modified to allow new file types for indexing, adding new functionality such as translating documents would require refactoring. And despite having multiple Lambda functions, it’s packaged as a single application, which makes it harder to deploy changes.
The new design uses events to decouple each service used to process incoming S3 objects. It can also use one or more buckets as event sources, which you can change dynamically as needed. Most importantly, it can be easier to introduce changes and new functionality, since the application is no longer deployed as a mono-repo. The new architecture uses this design:
- Setup and configuration of AWS resources.
- Parser function to filter and reformat S3 events for the application.
- Converter functions to operate on distinct file types.
- Analyzer functions for interpreting the content of the files.
- The Loader function imports the metadata into the Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
The code uses the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM), enabling you to deploy the application easily in your own AWS account. This walkthrough creates resources covered in the AWS Free Tier but you may incur cost for significant data usage. Additionally, it requires an Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain, which may incur cost on your AWS bill.
The resulting solution is five separate applications, which you deploy in stages. To set up the application, visit the GitHub repo and follow the instructions in the file.
Setup and configuration
The SAM template in the setup directory creates the S3 buckets, and configures AWS CloudTrail to capture put events in these buckets. This is required as EventBridge consumes S3 events via CloudTrail. Now, when any object is stored in any of these S3 buckets, EventBridge receives an event.
This template also creates a customer managed IAM policy that creates read-only access to the source S3 buckets:
This policy can be attached to any Lambda function that must read the contents from one of the S3 buckets. If the pool of source buckets changes in the future, you only need to modify this policy. Any downstream Lambda functions using the policy automatically gain access to the added buckets.
In the second setup application, the Parser service receives those S3 events and reformats the event for downstream services. Specifically, it creates a new attribute for the file type of the S3 object. After you deploy these two templates, creating any objects in the source S3 buckets generates the following event in the default event bus:
Building the converter processes
This application uses converters to process incoming objects in the S3 buckets. One converter handles one file type. There are two converters required to replicate the original application’s functionality, for pdf and docx files. An EventBridge rule matches incoming events and triggers the appropriate Lambda function to convert the object. This diagram shows abridged input and output events for these functions:
- A matching EventBridge rule invokes the relevant converter function. The function converts the source file into raw text.
- The text is split into batches of 5,000 characters.
- The functions publish the text batches back to EventBridge, using new detail-type and source attributes.
The SAM template specifies the EventBridge rules, the permissions for EventBridge to invoke the Lambda functions, and the processing Lambda functions. The Lambda functions use the customer managed IAM policy created during the setup for read-only access to the originating S3 bucket. Each converter has its own logic for processing file types differently, and can produce different types of events if needed.
The analyzer functions
In this workflow, any file type containing text is analyzed by Amazon Comprehend to detect entities. The AnalyzeText function is invoked by an EventBridge rule. The rule is filtering for the NewTextBatch attribute in an event from docRepo.converters.
Another EventBridge rule triggers the AnalyzeImage function. This is filtering for jpg and jpeg file types where the event source is docRepo.s3. This function uses Amazon Rekognition to identify labels in the images.
Both functions produce new events containing the entities and labels, using new detail-type and source attributes. These events are published back to the default bus on EventBridge:
- A matching EventBridge rule invokes the relevant analyzer function. The function uses Amazon ML services to detect labels in images and entities in text.
- The functions publish the metadata back to EventBridge, using new detail-type and source attributes.
Loader function
The Loader function is invoked by an EventBridge rule that is filtering for events from the Analyzers functions. This final function receives those events and loads the labels and entities metadata into the Amazon Elasticsearch Service:
Choosing between AWS Step Functions and Amazon EventBridge
In this application, there is a sequence of steps to the workflow that could also be handled by AWS Step Functions. Both services can simplify workflows in distributed applications and make it easier to maintain and modify serverless applications. In many cases, it makes sense to use both services for larger enterprise applications with complex business logic.
However, EventBridge enables you to separate processes into independent applications. It also allows other consumers to build custom logic using your events without impacting your application design or performance. In enterprise applications, this makes it much easier to innovate and develop new application features.
Benefits for developers
With the original monolithic application divided into five separate applications, it’s now easier for different teams to work on this project. It’s also easier and safer to deploy changes to a single microservice without needing to deploy the entire application. Developers must only understand their own service rather than the complete architecture of the application.
For example, to add more S3 buckets to the source list, you only need to modify the SAM template in the setup part of the application. The Parser function consumes put events from any number of buckets, and downstream functions consume events via EventBridge. To add a new file type, you only need to add a new converter function. Or to change the indexing provider, you create a new loader function to route the metadata to another service. The services of this application are independent, decoupled by EventBridge, and you can add more producers and consumers as required.
Traditionally, one of the challenges with event-based applications is tracking the format of events. Event schemas are typically hard to manage because any service can produce an event. The schema may also change as developers release new versions of a service. To help solve these issues, EventBridge has a feature called schema discovery that can automate the tracking and management of events in your application.
All the microservices in this application publish with a source attribute of docRepo. If you enable schema discovery, EventBridge quickly identifies these custom event schemas:
The schemas are defined in JSON using the OpenAPI Specification. As you develop new features, you can download code bindings directly from these schemas. For type-safe languages, this allows you to use events as objects directly in your applications, helping to accelerate development. To learn more about how to use code bindings and schema discovery, watch this video:
Larger applications can quickly become monoliths. You can use event-based architectures to decouple services within applications, and maintain flexibility as your application grows. Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus that can help simplify you architecture, allowing each service to operate independently with no dependence on event consumers.
In this post, I show how to rearchitect the Serverless Document Repository example into five smaller applications orchestrated using events. I explore the benefits of developing applications using this approach, including the ability to make changes more easily. I also show how EventBridge schema discovery can help automate event schema management.
To learn more about how to use Amazon EventBridge to decouple large applications, visit the Amazon EventBridge learning path.