AWS Contact Center

Tag: #amazonconnect

Using agent workspace guides to handle sensitive information

Introduction Contact center agents assist customers with topics that involve complex workflows. Within the Amazon Connect agent workspace, step-by-step guides support agents with clear instructions on how to handle a particular use case. Step-by-step guides are agent facing workflows that can branch based on decisions and send & receive data from external systems. Guides increase […]

Optimize routing using queues and proficiencies in Amazon Connect

Optimize routing using queues and proficiencies in Amazon Connect

Contact volumes and agent staffing in contact centers vary during the day. When there are more contacts than available agents, a queue holds contacts waiting to be answered by agents. A single queue to handle all incoming contacts maximizes service levels, and minimizes wait times. This is only possible when each agent can handle all […]

Safeguard your environment and reduce reputational risk using Amazon Connect attachment scanning

Safeguard your environment and reduce reputational risk using Amazon Connect attachment scanning

The ability to share attachments between customers and agents during a chat interaction offers significant benefits to enhance the overall customer experience. By allowing customers to share files such as documents, images, or screenshots during a chat session, it facilitates clearer communication and provides a more comprehensive understanding of the customer’s issue. This can lead […]

Amazon Connect analytics and reporting for your entire contact center

Amazon Connect analytics and reporting for your entire contact center

The quote, “Not everything that matters can be measured, and not everything that can be measured matters,” highlights the challenge of selecting appropriate metrics and reports to gauge your success. This is especially true for contact centers. Success in contact centers requires analyzing standard metrics like average hold time (AHT) or abandonment rate and customizing […]

Reimagine customer experiences with AWS at Customer Contact Week 2024

Reimagine customer experiences with AWS at Customer Contact Week 2024

The customer experience landscape is rapidly evolving, driven by rising expectations and technological innovations like generative artificial intelligence (AI). At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we are committed to empowering businesses to deliver exceptional customer service and experiences. This year, we are thrilled to be a sponsor of Customer Contact Week 2024, one of the most […]

Optimizing your knowledge base for Amazon Q in Connect

Optimizing your knowledge base for Amazon Q in Connect

A solid knowledge base has always been a crucial piece in effectively aiding agents in the contact center. Now with generative AI, well-structured, straightforward, and up-to-date knowledge bases are key to support generative AI assistants like Q in Connect in easily and effectively synthesizing your content. In this blog post, you will learn about Amazon Q in Connect, how it works, and how to optimize your knowledge base to maximize impact using our generative AI capabilities.

Securely pass the customer information to agent using Amazon Connect in-app, web, and video calling

Companies often add self-service capabilities to their websites or mobile applications, such as frequently asked questions (FAQs) or knowledge articles, to help customers address their queries. When that customer escalates to a live agent for help, they are often asked to repeat the same information they may have entered or browsed on the app or […]

Managing Agent Quality using Amazon Connect Contact Lens and Evaluation Capabilities

Introduction Organizations often struggle to gain a complete view of their agents’ performance. This is due to the large volume of interactions and the various channels through which they communicate with customers. Additionally, filtering relevant data points for performance analysis can be a difficult task. Fortunately, Contact Lens for Amazon Connect offers agent performance evaluation […]

Web application for managing Amazon Connect contact center custom prompts

Introduction Amazon Connect contact center allows you to create dynamic voice prompt playback using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). All the custom prompts are stored as audio files on Amazon S3. As the number of files increase, it becomes challenging to manage these files and audit changes. Business users would need access to AWS Management […]

How to programmatically access Amazon Connect Rules using APIs

Many businesses today use Amazon Connect Rules, a feature of Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, through Amazon Connect console for creating and managing rules. This restricts businesses who want to manage the automation of rules creation and management from any home-grown or third-party solution outside of the Amazon Connect console. Amazon Connect Rules now launched […]