AWS Contact Center

Category: Contact Center

Increasing agent productivity with generative AI in Amazon Connect

Increasing agent productivity with generative AI in Amazon Connect

Introduction Contact center agents face a variety of challenges when handling customer interactions. Whether it’s troubleshooting a technical issue, resolving a billing dispute, or simply providing helpful, accurate information, agents need to be effective across a wide range of topics. This often requires months, or even years, of experience becoming familiar with the various issues […]

Best practices for using Amazon Connect audio optimization for Citrix

Best practices for using Amazon Connect audio optimization for Citrix

Real-time media services running within virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) environment, such as Citrix, can experience audio quality issues due to the resource intensive nature of processing the media on the server(s). Implementing Amazon Connect audio optimization for Citrix enables you to improve audio quality, reduce host server resources and lower cost per agent. VDI sessions […]

Using agent workspace guides to handle sensitive information

Introduction Contact center agents assist customers with topics that involve complex workflows. Within the Amazon Connect agent workspace, step-by-step guides support agents with clear instructions on how to handle a particular use case. Step-by-step guides are agent facing workflows that can branch based on decisions and send & receive data from external systems. Guides increase […]

What’s new with Amazon Connect in 2024: Empowering CX transformation

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, delivering exceptional customer experiences is paramount. Customers expect seamless, personalized support across every touch point, and businesses are constantly seeking new ways to meet these evolving demands. As an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered cloud contact center solution, Amazon Connect is helping organizations across industries leverage the latest advancements in technology to […]

Getting started with third-party applications in the agent workspace

Getting started with third-party applications in the agent workspace

Agents play a crucial role in providing an exceptional customer experience. In a high-performing contact center, agents are superhuman — they get where the customer is coming from, know their stuff, and fix issues right away. When this happens, customers feel valued and stay loyal. Agents make up more than 70% of contact center operating […]

Deter spam callers using amazon connect

Deter spam callers using Amazon Connect

Contact centers often receive illegitimate phone calls where the caller is pretending to be someone else by using an existing customer’s phone number. While you might simply fail a check on a web site because you don’t have the right credentials, contact center agents are trained to be polite even when something seems amiss, so […]

CSC Generation transforms customer support with Amazon Connect

CSC Generation transforms customer support with Amazon Connect

Introduction In this blog post, CSC Generation Holdings, Inc. (CSC Generation) shares why it moved to Amazon Connect to support customer service operations across its multiple brands. CSC Generation is a multi-brand technology platform that helps retailers such as One Kings Lane and Sur La Table transform into high-performing, digital-first brands. These retailers’ primary customers […]

How contact center leaders can evaluate using generative AI for customer experience

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of interest for many businesses. Gartner estimates that by 2024, 40% of enterprise applications will have embedded conversational AI. In 2020, this number was less than 5%. At Amazon Web Services (AWS), our customers are often asking about how they can use generative AI across various business segments. […]

Event based outbound campaigns with Amazon Connect

Organizations use contact centers to answer inbound calls and initiate outbound communication to their customers. Use cases for outbound communications include appointment reminders, telemarketing, subscription renewals, billing reminders, and follow-up calls. Customer preferences determine the communication channel (voice, messaging, or email) used in outbound campaigns. Contact center managers often use different applications for each channel […]

Manage prompts programmatically with Amazon Connect

Introduction Contact centers use prompts to interact with customers, to obtain information from customers and to provide updates to customers. Prompts are recorded audio files played in call flows. Contact center administrators need to react quickly to the business needs by adding new prompts or changing existing prompts. Tracking and managing large numbers of prompts […]