AWS Contact Center

Tag: analytics

What’s new with Amazon Connect in 2024: Empowering CX transformation

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, delivering exceptional customer experiences is paramount. Customers expect seamless, personalized support across every touch point, and businesses are constantly seeking new ways to meet these evolving demands. As an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered cloud contact center solution, Amazon Connect is helping organizations across industries leverage the latest advancements in technology to […]

Managing Agent Quality using Amazon Connect Contact Lens and Evaluation Capabilities

Introduction Organizations often struggle to gain a complete view of their agents’ performance. This is due to the large volume of interactions and the various channels through which they communicate with customers. Additionally, filtering relevant data points for performance analysis can be a difficult task. Fortunately, Contact Lens for Amazon Connect offers agent performance evaluation […]

Visualizing Amazon Connect instance metrics with Amazon CloudWatch

Introduction Organizations want the ability to monitor operational and system level metrics of their Amazon Connect instances. Right sizing Service Quotas is important to deliver satisfactory contact experiences, meet service level targets, and optimize AWS resources. Amazon Connect provides operational metrics at the instance level. Amazon Connect automatically sends instance and queue metrics to Amazon […]

Create Custom Reports for Amazon Connect Cases

Introduction Amazon Connect Cases allows your agents to track and manage customer issues that require multiple interactions, follow-up tasks, and teams in your contact center. As an organization, it becomes important to define performance metrics for resolving cases and identifying any bottlenecks. Amazon Connect supports Cases events streams which provide you with near real-time updates […]

Analyze Amazon Connect agent event stream with Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight-part 5

Introduction Organizations want contact center reporting and analytic capabilities for agents’ activities. This enables them to manage agent staffing and optimizing the contact center work force operations. Contact center platforms with limited integration capability make it challenging to generate custom reports and perform advanced agent activity analytics. Amazon Connect agent event streams are Amazon Kinesis […]

Automating Amazon QuickSight dashboard creation for analyzing Amazon Connect data

Introduction To get the most advanced analytics benefits, organizations need a robust platform and a cost-effective solution to run a thriving contact center. This is achieved by building a data lake on Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Amazon Connect Data Lake Best Practices whitepaper lays out the various data sources within Amazon Connect, and steps […]

Easily monitor call quality with Amazon Connect

When managing your contact center, call quality has a significant impact on the customer experience. If your agents take calls on Amazon Connect using the softphone over the internet, the audio quality is typically high. However, changes in networking conditions can result in varying audio quality from factors such as increased latency or packet loss.

By capturing and storing real-time call metrics, you can proactively monitor call quality. In this blog, we describe a solution which captures real-time metrics from the Amazon Connect softphone, creates easily understandable dashboards from the metrics, and makes this data searchable for further analysis.

The dashboards give your contact center supervisors and operators insights into the customer experience from both a business and operational lens. They can help you answer questions like how many calls are abnormally short, how many calls experience poor audio quality, and other common operational questions. This allows your business to take actions to improve the customer experience.

Analyze Amazon Connect Contact Trace Record with Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight–Part 1

Join us for AWS Contact Center Day, a free virtual event where you’ll learn about the future of customer service, how machine learning can optimize customer and agent experiences—and more. Register now » Introduction Many organizations want the capability to perform analytics on the contact center data for an extended period and build custom reports for […]

Analyzing Amazon Connect usage with agent desktop and streaming data

As customer engagement expectations become increasingly advanced, contact center managers find themselves in need of granular visibility of their contact center usage. For example, customers seek to understand usage patterns by agent, business division, caller intent, routing queue, or customer segment. Amazon Connect provides a real-time performance dashboard so that you can monitor the overall health of […]

Real-time customer insights using machine learning with Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect provides a set of machine learning (ML) capabilities integrated into Amazon Connect. These capabilities enable businesses to analyze call recordings for customer sentiment, trends, and compliance of conversations. Contact center supervisors want real-time insights into customer experience issues while calls are in progress to provide proactive assistance to their agents. Historically, […]