AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: Migration

Team Building for finite project

Designing a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCOE)

Many companies have found that a cloud center of excellence (CCOE) can accelerate their migrations to the cloud and broader digital transformations. These CCOEs take many forms, which is appropriate because each company has unique challenges to overcome. Nevertheless there are certain patterns and antipatterns for using a CCOE. In this blog post, I’ll try […]

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How to Set Up a Platform That Effectively Supports Your Development Teams

Many of my conversations with AWS customers are about their attempts to build developer experience platforms that simplify software development and operations, automate deployments, improve software quality, reduce costs, and ensure security and compliance. Unfortunately, not all platforms live up to their expectations. The most frequently cited problem is development teams rejecting the platform that […]

Navigating the Cloud Migration Bubble: Turning Your Bubble into a Blip

There is no doubt that the cloud has revolutionized how businesses operate, offering unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and innovation capability. However, amid the excitement of embracing the cloud, organizations often encounter a phenomenon known as the migration bubble. This bubble represents the initial surge of costs, complexities, and challenges that can temporarily disrupt transitions to the […]


Announcing the New AWS Enterprise Strategy Track at re:Invent

Recommended sessions for enterprise executives looking to accelerate digital transformation. On behalf of the entire Enterprise Strategy team at AWS, we’re looking forward to welcoming you to re:Invent 2022. With over 2,000 sessions including keynotes and leadership sessions, re:Invent provides an excellent opportunity to learn, share, and connect with your peers. We are excited to […]

Security concept

7 Strategies for Migrating Applications to the Cloud, introducing AWS Mainframe Modernization and AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces

by Jonathan Allen, Enterprise Strategist, AWS Enterprise Strategy “How emigration is actually lived — well, this depends on many factors: education, economic station, language, where one lands, and what support network is in place at the site of arrival.” -Daniel Alarcón The most read AWS Enterprise Strategy blog of all time is the 6 Strategies for Migrating Applications […]

Unlocking the Trillion Dollar Value of Cloud

Business Cases for Cloud Migration I’ve seen some companies struggle to assemble and vet a business case for the cloud. Intuitively, they know the investment is solid. But they get bogged down in projecting their infrastructure needs and have difficulty connecting their cloud activities to broader returns on investment across the enterprise. Fortunately, there’s a […]

The Case for a Single Cloud Investment From an Abstraction Addict

By Bill Salak, CTO of Brainly Foreword by Thomas Blood, AWS Leader of Digital Innovation in EMEA As a former Enterprise Strategist and Leader of Digital Innovation in EMEA, I frequently talk to business executives and IT leaders. Leaders sometimes ask me about creating a single-pane-of-glass interface to manage multiple cloud providers. I always tell […]

Taking Charge: Cloud-Enabled Insourcing as a Digital Strategy

by John Brigden, VP of AWS Managed Services Introduction by Mark Schwartz In the digital world, speed is all-important. Short lead times allow companies to get products to market faster; build their products in fast, low-risk increments that incorporate customer feedback; respond quickly to disruption; and reduce risk through rapid customer testing and timely response […]

Bias for action – Take the first step

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step” ~Martin Luther King Jr. Most of the time enterprises have little trouble identifying which problems and opportunities to focus on but then succumb to analysis paralysis. The key question, which I have faced in the past as a CTO and now hear […]