AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Amazon Comprehend

Amazon Comprehend now support KMS encryption

Amazon Comprehend is a fully managed natural language processing (NLP) service that enables text analytics for important workloads. For example, analyzing market research reports for key market indicators or data that contains PII information. Customers that work with highly sensitive, encrypted data can now easily enable Comprehend to work with this encrypted data via an integration […]

Newstag improves global video news discoverability using AI language services on AWS

Swedish startup Newstag uses artificial intelligence (AI) to allow customers to create personalized video news channels from major global news providers. Their mission is to continuously empower people and organizations with the latest, diverse information. To increase discoverability of video news from all around the world for their customers, Newstag creates rich metadata for each […]

Bridgeman Images uses Amazon Translate to establish their business globally

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Many businesses aspire to expand globally to reach new customer and accelerate growth. For Bridgeman Images, this meant engaging customers who spoke languages other than English. They needed a scalable solution to overcoming the language barrier since having everything translated […]

Use AWS Machine Learning to Analyze Customer Calls from Contact Centers (Part 2): Automate, Deploy, and Visualize Analytics using Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Comprehend, AWS CloudFormation, and Amazon QuickSight

In the previous blog post, we showed you how to string together Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Comprehend to be able to conduct sentiment analysis on call conversations from contact centers. Here, we demonstrate how to leverage AWS CloudFormation to automate the process and deploy your solution at scale. Solution Architecture The following diagram illustrates architecture that […]

Build Your Own Natural Language Models on AWS (no ML experience required)

At AWS re:Invent last year we announced Amazon Comprehend, a natural language processing service which extracts key phrases, places, peoples’ names, brands, events, and sentiment from unstructured text. Comprehend – which is powered by sophisticated deep learning models trained by AWS – allows any developer to add natural language processing to their applications without requiring […]

Getting Started with Amazon Comprehend custom entities

Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to find insights and relationships in text. We released an update to Amazon Comprehend enabling support for private, custom entity types. Customers can now train state-of-the-art entity recognition models to extract their specific terms, completely automatically. No machine learning experience required. For example, financial […]

AWS expands HIPAA eligible machine learning services for healthcare customers

Today, AWS announced that Amazon Translate, Amazon Comprehend, and Amazon Transcribe are now U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) eligible services. This announcement adds to the number of AWS artificial intelligence services that are already HIPAA eligible– Amazon Polly, Amazon SageMaker, and Amazon Rekognition. By using these services, AWS customers in […]

Amazon Comprehend introduces new Region availability and language support for French, German, Italian, and Portuguese

Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to find insights and relationships in text. The service does the following for you: Identifies the language of the text. Extracts key phrases, places, people, brands, or locations. Understands how positive or negative the text is. Analyzes text using tokenization and parts […]

Discovering and indexing podcast episodes using Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Comprehend 

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. As an avid podcast listener, I had always wished for an easy way to glimpse at the transcript of an episode to decide whether I should add it to my playlist (not all episode abstracts are equally helpful!). Another challenge […]

Get started with automated metadata extraction using the AWS Media Analysis Solution

You can easily get started extracting meaningful metadata from your media files by using the Media Analysis Solution on AWS. The Media Analysis Solution provides AWS CloudFormation templates that you can use to start extracting meaningful metadata from your media files within minutes. With a web-based user interface, you can easily upload files and see the metadata that is automatically extracted. This solution uses Amazon Rekognition for facial recognition, Amazon Transcribe to create a transcript, and Amazon Comprehend to run sentiment analysis on the transcript. You can also upload your own images to an Amazon Rekognition collection and train the solution to recognize individuals. In this blog post, we’ll show you step-by step how to launch the solution and upload an image and video. You’ll be able to see firsthand how metadata is seamlessly extracted.