AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Use Amazon SageMaker Canvas to build machine learning models using Parquet data from Amazon Athena and AWS Lake Formation

Data is the foundation for machine learning (ML) algorithms. One of the most common formats for storing large amounts of data is Apache Parquet due to its compact and highly efficient format. This means that business analysts who want to extract insights from the large volumes of data in their data warehouse must frequently use […]

Prepare training and validation dataset for facies classification using a Snowflake OAuth connection and Amazon SageMaker Canvas

February 2024: This post was reviewed and updated for accuracy. This post is co-written with Thatcher Thornberry from bpx energy.  Facies classification is the process of segmenting lithologic formations from geologic data at the wellbore location. During drilling, wireline logs are obtained, which have depth-dependent geologic information. Geologists are deployed to analyze this log data […]

Operationalize ML models built in Amazon SageMaker Canvas to production using the Amazon SageMaker Model Registry

You can now register machine learning (ML) models built in Amazon SageMaker Canvas with a single click to the Amazon SageMaker Model Registry, enabling you to operationalize ML models in production. Canvas is a visual interface that enables business analysts to generate accurate ML predictions on their own—without requiring any ML experience or having to […]

Publish predictive dashboards in Amazon QuickSight using ML predictions from Amazon SageMaker Canvas

April 2024: This post was reviewed and updated for accuracy. Understanding business trends, customer behavior, sales revenue, increase in demand, and buyer propensity all start with data. Exploring, analyzing, interpreting, and finding trends in data is essential for businesses to achieve successful outcomes. Business analysts play a pivotal role in facilitating data-driven business decisions through […]

Bring your own ML model into Amazon SageMaker Canvas and generate accurate predictions

Machine learning (ML) helps organizations generate revenue, reduce costs, mitigate risk, drive efficiencies, and improve quality by optimizing core business functions across multiple business units such as marketing, manufacturing, operations, sales, finance, and customer service. With AWS ML, organizations can accelerate the value creation from months to days. Amazon SageMaker Canvas is a visual, point-and-click […]

Import data from over 40 data sources for no-code machine learning with Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Data is at the heart of machine learning (ML). Including relevant data to comprehensively represent your business problem ensures that you effectively capture trends and relationships so that you can derive the insights needed to drive business decisions. With Amazon SageMaker Canvas, you can now import data from over 40 data sources to be used […]

Build a machine learning model to predict student performance using Amazon SageMaker Canvas

There has been a paradigm change in the mindshare of education customers who are now willing to explore new technologies and analytics. Universities and other higher learning institutions have collected massive amounts of data over the years, and now they are exploring options to use that data for deeper insights and better educational outcomes. You […]

Extract non-PHI data from Amazon HealthLake, reduce complexity, and increase cost efficiency with Amazon Athena and Amazon SageMaker Canvas

In today’s highly competitive market, performing data analytics using machine learning (ML) models has become a necessity for organizations. It enables them to unlock the value of their data, identify trends, patterns, and predictions, and differentiate themselves from their competitors. For example, in the healthcare industry, ML-driven analytics can be used for diagnostic assistance and […]

Accelerate the investment process with AWS Low Code-No Code services

The last few years have seen a tremendous paradigm shift in how institutional asset managers source and integrate multiple data sources into their investment process. With frequent shifts in risk correlations, unexpected sources of volatility, and increasing competition from passive strategies, asset managers are employing a broader set of third-party data sources to gain a […]

Identifying and avoiding common data issues while building no code ML models with Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Business analysts work with data and like to analyze, explore, and understand data to achieve effective business outcomes. To address business problems, they often rely on machine learning (ML) practitioners such as data scientists to assist with techniques such as utilizing ML to build models using existing data and generate predictions. However, it isn’t always […]