AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Category: Messaging

Obtaining a short code for sending text messages to US recipients – Part 2

In my last post, I gave an overview of the benefits of short codes. I also covered several important pieces of information that you should have in place before you apply for a short code. In this post, I’ll look at the application process itself. I’ll share tips and information that will help you complete […]

Obtaining a short code for sending text messages to US recipients – Part 1

Many of the customers that I work with use short codes for their SMS use cases. This is especially true in the United States, where short codes are a common way to send messages to recipients. Short codes offer high throughput and high deliverability rates. They’re also easier for your customers to remember and identify, […]

Introducing the Amazon Pinpoint SMS sandbox

Amazon Pinpoint now includes a new feature called the SMS sandbox. If you’ve sent email through Amazon Pinpoint (or if you’ve used Amazon SES), the sandbox might be a familiar concept. This new feature helps protect your Amazon Pinpoint account against unauthorized use, accidental sends, and unexpected charges. In this post, I’ll describe the SMS […]

Advanced Amazon Pinpoint Templates using Message Template Helpers

Personalization of customer messages is a proven way to increase engagement of promotional and transactional communications. In order to make these communications repeatable and scalable, building personalization through templates is often required. Using the Advanced Template Capabilities feature of Amazon Pinpoint, it’s now possible to create highly customized templates used for email, SMS, and Push […]

Complying with DMARC across multiple accounts using Amazon SES

Introduction For enterprises of all sizes, email is a critical piece of infrastructure that supports large volumes of communication from an organization. As such, companies need a robust solution to deal with the complexities this may introduce. In some cases, companies have multiple domains that support several different business units and need a distributed way […]

Architecture showing how to forward emails by content using Amazon SES

Forwarding emails automatically based on content with Amazon Simple Email Service

Introduction Email is one of the most popular channels consumers use to interact with support organizations. In its most basic form, consumers will send their email to a catch-all email address where it is further dispatched to the correct support group. Often, this requires a person to inspect content manually. Some IT organizations even have […]

Create a serverless feedback collector application using Amazon Pinpoint’s two-way SMS functionality

Introduction Two-way SMS communication is used by many companies to create interactive engagements with their customers. Traditional SMS notifications are one-way. While this is valid for many different use cases like one-time passwords (OTP) notifications and security notifications or reminders, some other use-cases may benefit from collecting information from the same channel. Two-way SMS allows […]

Send SMS at scale to Indian recipients using Amazon Pinpoint

SMS has one of the highest open rates of all customer communications channels, and is popular with application builders for both transactional use cases like appointment reminders or asynchronous use cases like a SMS chatbot. Amazon Pinpoint supports SMS in over 200 countries and territories, but SMS sending requirements can vary by recipient destination. SMS […]

Maintain consistency in emails with custom content using Amazon SES templates

When sending emails, content creators often want to add custom content such as images or videos while maintaining consistency in their messages. They also want to send those emails automatically once new content is ready. In this blog, we will show you how to create templates for emails with a common theme by combining Amazon […]

Solving abandoned cart scenarios using Amazon Pinpoint event-triggered journeys

In this post, we will walk through building an abandoned shopping cart user journey in Amazon Pinpoint. Journeys are multi-step user engagements with channels sends (SMS, email or push) based on conditional logic with a goal to drive a high value action. This journey will enable customers to identify users who added a product to […]