AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Category: Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

How to Automatically Prevent Email Throttling when Reaching Concurrency Limit

Introduction Many users of Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) send large email campaigns that target tens of thousands of recipients. Regulating the flow of Amazon SES requests can prevent throttling due to exceeding the AWS service limit on the account. Amazon SES service quotas include a soft limit on the number of emails sent […]

Queueing Amazon Pinpoint API calls to distribute SMS spikes

Organizations across industries and verticals have user bases spread around the globe. Amazon Pinpoint enables them to send SMS messages to a global audience through a single API endpoint, and the messages are routed to destination countries by the service. Amazon Pinpoint utilizes downstream SMS providers to deliver the messages and these SMS providers offer […]

Create a serverless feedback collector application using Amazon Pinpoint’s two-way SMS functionality

Introduction Two-way SMS communication is used by many companies to create interactive engagements with their customers. Traditional SMS notifications are one-way. While this is valid for many different use cases like one-time passwords (OTP) notifications and security notifications or reminders, some other use-cases may benefit from collecting information from the same channel. Two-way SMS allows […]