AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Database

New cluster-mode support in redis-py

What is Redis? Redis is an incredibly popular open source (BSD licensed) in-memory data store, generally used as a database, cache, or message broker. Redis is regularly touted by developers as the most loved database and you’ve used Redis when on Twitter, GitHub, Instagram, Airbnb, and many other products. Redis Clusters enable you to scale […]

vladwel –

Why developers like Apache TinkerPop, an open source framework for graph computing

Apache TinkerPop is an open source computing framework for graph databases and graph analytic systems. Designed to appeal to software developers, TinkerPop lets developers add graph computing capabilities to their applications without worrying about developing APIs, graph processing engines, or graph algorithms. Although Apache TinkerPop is an open source project rather than a formal standard, […]

Thitichaya - - Cloud computing concept.Abstract cloud connection technology background.

How AWS and Redis Labs partner to make a better Redis

One of the best things about open source is its community. It’s the community that helps to popularize a project. It’s the community that helps to build the project through code, documentation, and other contributions. It’s the community that sometimes turns into paying customers, too. But it’s also the community that may compete with you. […]

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OpenSearch 1.0 launches

In April this year, we introduced OpenSearch, a community-driven, open source search and analytics suite derived from open source Elasticsearch 7.10.2 and Kibana 7.10.2. The project consists of a search engine (OpenSearch), a visualization and user interface (OpenSearch Dashboards), and the advanced features from Open Distro for Elasticsearch (our previous distribution of Elasticsearch) such as […]

lazyllama –

Getting started with open source graph notebook for graph visualization

When building connected data applications, such as knowledge graphs, identity graphs, or fraud graphs, developers often need to visualize how the data is connected to be able to communicate insights gained from highly connected datasets. Customers need an easy way to get started with their graph database, insert data, and view the results. We launched […]

kras99 –

Open source mobile core network implementation on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

As introduced in Amazon Web Services (AWS) whitepapers, Carrier-grade Mobile Packet Core Network on AWS and 5G Network Evolution with AWS, implementing 4G Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and 5G Core (5GC) on AWS can bring a significant value and benefit, such as scalability, flexibility, and programmable orchestration, as well as automation of the underlying infrastructure layer. This […]

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Want more PostgreSQL? You just might like Babelfish

“The greatest force in legacy databases is inertia,” a widely regarded industry analyst once told me. Not superior functionality. Not better performance. Not lower cost. None of the above. Just inertia. Developers might say they prefer to run PostgreSQL to proprietary alternatives (and they do), but enterprises have spent years building data models in Microsoft […]

What is Trapheus?

This article is a guest post from Namita Devadas and Rohit Kumar, Senior Software Engineers at Intuit. Trapheus is an open source Python serverless utility for automated restoration of Relational Database Service (RDS) instances from snapshots into any development, staging, or production environments. It supports snapshot-based restoration for individual RDS instances (for example, Oracle, MySQL, […]