AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Open Source

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry adds .NET tracing support

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) v 0.7.0 is now available with .NET support. This release adds support for tracing .NET applications using open source OpenTelemetry’s .NET API and SDK. You can use AWS monitoring backends, such as AWS X-Ray, as well as partner monitoring solutions for triaging and analyzing performance issues or bottlenecks in your […]

Integrating identity providers, such as OneLogin, Ping Identity, Okta, and Azure AD, to SSO into Amazon Managed Grafana

November 8, 2022: This blog post was written prior to AWS renaming AWS Single Sign-On. The new name is AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On). Please consider all references, in this blog, to AWS Single Sign-On or AWS SSO as being AWS IAM Identity Center. September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has […]

Building a prototype for the Logging API and SDK for the OpenTelemetry C++ library

In this article, intern engineers on the open source observability team, Karen Xu and Mark Seufert, describe their design and implementation of an open source prototype Logging API and SDK for the OpenTelemetry C++ library. This library allows users to write and collect logs from their distributed and instrumented applications. This article details the goals […]

Creating a bridge between machine learning and quantum computing with PennyLane

In this post, Josh Izaac (Xanadu) and Eric Kessler (AWS) explain how the open source PennyLane project helps bridge the gap between the quantum computing and machine learning communities. Today, we are announcing that AWS is joining the steering council of the PennyLane open source project for variational quantum computing and quantum machine learning. Our […]

Credit: pressmaster –

Integrating EC2 macOS workers with EKS and GitLab

At our annual re:Invent conference in December 2020 we announced an all new macOS-based Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance. This new instance allows developers to build, test, and package their applications for all Apple platforms, such as macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS. Customers have been asking us for ways to integrate their […]

Building a Prometheus Remote Write Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Python SDK

In this post, AWS intern engineers Azfaar Qureshi and Shovnik Bhattacharya talk about their experience building the OpenTelemetry Prometheus Remote Write Exporter for Python. They share their experiences in tackling challenges they faced while building this tool, which is used for sending metrics to Prometheus protocol-based service endpoints. As software deployments become increasingly more complex, […]

Rust language logo.

Congratulations, Rustaceans, on the creation of the Rust Foundation!

We celebrate today’s announcement of the creation of the Rust Foundation with the rest of the Rust community. As a founding member of the Rust Foundation, AWS is dedicated to the Rust Foundation’s mission to empower Rust maintainers to joyfully do their best work. Ten years and thousands of contributors in the making, the Rust […]

Architecture diagram of the example in the post.

Using Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus to monitor EC2 environments

April 16, 2021: This article has been updated to reflect changes introduced by AWS Signature Version 4 support on Prometheus server. We recently announced Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) that allows you to create a fully managed, secure, Prometheus-compatible environment to ingest, query, and store Prometheus metrics. In a previous blog post from the […]

Siarhei –

AWS ParallelCluster post-install: EnginFrame and DCV Session Manager Broker

With the newest tools and services provided by AWS, such as AWS ParallelCluster, you can set up a fully functional high-performance computing (HPC) cluster in minutes. ParallelCluster not only simplifies the process of setting up and running technical and scientific applications, it also takes advantage of the power, scale, and flexibility of the cloud and […]

Set up cross-region metrics collection for Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspaces

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is a Prometheus-compatible monitoring service for container infrastructure and application metrics that makes it easy for customers to securely monitor container environments at scale. In a previous getting started blog post, we showed how to set up an Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspace and ingest metrics from an Amazon […]