AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Open Source

Thitichaya –

Configuring Grafana Cloud Agent for Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

This post was written by Robert Fratto, Imaya Kumar Jagannathan, and Alolita Sharma. The Grafana Cloud Agent is a lightweight alternative to running a full Prometheus server. It keeps the necessary parts for discovering and scraping Prometheus exporters and sending metrics to the backend, which in this case is the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus […]

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry adds partner exporters for metrics and traces

Today’s release of AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) 0.7.0 adds support for four more partner monitoring solutions—Datadog, Dynatrace, New Relic, and Splunk—enabling customers to send correlated metrics and traces using OpenTelemetry. These partner exporters are available now in addition to exporters for AWS monitoring services, such as Amazon CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray, and Amazon Managed Service […]

Continuous deployment of Cloud Custodian to AWS Control Tower

Cloud Custodian is an open source, cloud security, governance, and management tool that enables users to keep their Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment secure and well managed by defining policies in a YAML domain specific language (DSL). Cloud Custodian works by defining policies in a YAML file and running the defined policies against AWS accounts. […]

3dddcharacter –

Setting up Grafana on EC2 to query metrics from Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

The recently launched Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) service provides a highly available and secure environment to ingest, query, and store Prometheus metrics. We can query the metrics from the AMP environment using Amazon Managed Grafana, a self-hosted Grafana server, or using the HTTP APIs. In this article, we will look at how to […]

How the Bottlerocket build system works

Bottlerocket is an open source, special-purpose operating system designed for hosting Linux containers, which was launched in 2020. As I delved into the Bottlerocket build system for a deeper understanding, I found it helpful to describe the system in detail (a form of rubber-duck debugging). This article is the result of my exploration and will […]

pickup –

Leverage deep learning in Scala with GPU on Spark 3.0

This post was contributed by Qing Lan, Carol McDonald, and Kong Zhao. With the growing interest in deep learning (DL), more users are using DL in their production environments. Because DL requires intensive computational power, developers are leveraging GPUs to do their training and inference jobs. As part of a major Apache Spark initiative to […]

AWS Open Source logo.

Stepping up for a truly open source Elasticsearch

Last week, Elastic announced they will change their software licensing strategy, and will not release new versions of Elasticsearch and Kibana under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (ALv2). Instead, new versions of the software will be offered under the Elastic License (which limits how it can be used) or the Server Side Public License (which […]

olegkruglyak3 –

How Netflix uses Deep Java Library (DJL) for distributed deep learning inference in real-time

This post was written by Stanislav Kirdey, Lan Qing, Lai Wei, and Lu Huang. Netflix is one of the world’s largest entertainment services with over 260 million members in more than 190 countries. One of the ways Netflix is able to sustain a high-quality customer experience is by employing deep learning models in the observability […]

Migrating X-Ray tracing to AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

In the context of containerized microservices, we face the challenge of being able to tell where along the request path things happen and efficiently drill into signals. As a developer, you don’t want to fly blind and one popular way to provide these insights is distributed tracing. In this post we walk through migrating a […]

3dddcharacter –

The CDK Patterns open source journey

This post was contributed by Matthew Coulter, Technical Architect at Liberty Mutual. In the summer of 2019, I successfully applied for a promotion to the position of account architect at Liberty IT Solutions, a part of Liberty Mutual Group. This changed everything, as I went from being the systems architect supporting one area to an […]