AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Open Source

Diagram illustrating the setup outlined throughout the post.

Setting up cross-account ingestion into Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

April 21, 2021: This article has been updated to reflect changes introduced by Sigv4 support on Prometheus server. The recently launched Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) service provides a highly available and secure environment to ingest, query, and store Prometheus metrics. We can query the metrics from the AMP environment using Amazon Managed Grafana, […]

Chepko Danil –

Move your Apache Airflow connections and variables to AWS Secrets Manager

Data scientists and engineers have made Apache Airflow a leading open source tool to create data pipelines due to its active open source community, familiar Python development as directed acyclic graph (DAG) workflows, and extensive library of prebuilt integrations. However, managing the connections and variables that these pipelines depend on can be a challenge, especially […]

Tierney –

Deploying a highly available Microsoft SQL Server on Linux on AWS

In this post, we walk through how to successfully design and build a highly available Microsoft SQL Server on Linux on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This post provides high-level insight into the components necessary to create this solution, including Microsoft SQL on Linux, ClusterLabs Pacemaker (Pacemaker) open source clustering software, leading Linux distributions, and AWS. […]

vladwel –

Adopting Kotlin at Prime Video for higher developer satisfaction and less code

Choosing a programming language for a new project is a tough decision with long-lasting effects. This involves considering how well the languages integrate with the team’s existing technology stack, how mature the languages are, and what learning curve is required. For example, will there be sufficient time to learn the features of a hitherto unknown […]

lazyllama –

Getting started with open source graph notebook for graph visualization

When building connected data applications, such as knowledge graphs, identity graphs, or fraud graphs, developers often need to visualize how the data is connected to be able to communicate insights gained from highly connected datasets. Customers need an easy way to get started with their graph database, insert data, and view the results. We launched […]

Olena –

Heapothesys benchmark suite adds end-to-end timeliness metrics

Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers seek to assure consistent, reliable, and cost-efficient services. Assuring consistency includes reducing variance in transaction completion times. Assuring reliability requires that the rare transactions that do not complete within the service-specific target deadline do eventually complete in as short a time as possible. Cost efficiency drives service providers to process […]

Embracing natural language processing with Hugging Face

In a previous post, I talked about how open source projects often work backwards from a specific problem or challenge, as one of their key motivators. In this post, I’ll explore another area where open source projects emerge: the need to follow an area of interest, a genuine passion, or an itch that needs to […]

kras99 –

Open source mobile core network implementation on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

As introduced in Amazon Web Services (AWS) whitepapers, Carrier-grade Mobile Packet Core Network on AWS and 5G Network Evolution with AWS, implementing 4G Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and 5G Core (5GC) on AWS can bring a significant value and benefit, such as scalability, flexibility, and programmable orchestration, as well as automation of the underlying infrastructure layer. This […]

Top FreeRTOS articles in 2020 is a go-to resource for everything FreeRTOS, a leading real-time operating system (RTOS) for microcontrollers and small microprocessors. provides open source resources, documentation, tutorials, demonstrations, blogs, and an active FreeRTOS community that started more than 18 years ago. Distributed freely under the MIT open source license, FreeRTOS is now downloaded every 170 seconds. […]