AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Programing Language

Getting started with Spring Boot on AWS: Part 2

This is a guest post from Björn Wilmsmann, Philip Riecks, and Tom Hombergs, authors of the upcoming book Stratospheric: From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS. In part 1 of this two-part Spring Boot tutorial, we provided a brief introduction to Spring Cloud for AWS and covered how to display content of an […]

Getting started with Spring Boot on AWS: Part 1

This is a guest post from Björn Wilmsmann, Philip Riecks, and Tom Hombergs, authors of the upcoming book Stratospheric: From Zero to Production with Spring Boot and AWS. Spring Boot is the leading framework for building applications in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) ecosystem. In a nutshell, open source Spring Boot adds auto-configuration on top […]

Distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry

These days, more and more systems deploy as a set of services using containers. You may already be using services like Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) for quickly getting started with container workloads. Separating out services enables separation of concerns that can enable teams to operate independently […]

Diagram of the Lambda Powertools framework.

Simplifying serverless best practices with AWS Lambda Powertools Java

Modern applications are increasingly relying on compute platforms based on serverless technologies to provide scalability, cost efficiency, and agility. Distributed architectures have unlocked many benefits, and they have introduced new complexities in how the applications operate. With traditional architectures, debugging was as straightforward as logging into the server and inspecting the logs. Modern observability must […]

Open sourcing the Porting Assistant for .NET

In July 2020, AWS launched the Porting Assistant for .NET, a tool for analyzing the compatibility of .NET Framework applications and estimating the effort required to port them to .NET Core. Porting applications to .NET Core enables you to take advantage of future investments in .NET, reduced license spend, and innovations to improve application scaling […]

Getting started with the open source data science tool Metaflow on AWS

Data science is hard. Customers face business challenges today at a scale larger and more complex than ever before, and data scientists bring unique skills to the table to help solve some of those problems. The concept is simple: Data scientists use large amounts of data to break a problem down into pieces that machines […]

Testing the OpenTelemetry C++ Prometheus Exporter

In this post AWS intern Eric Hsueh shares his experience working on OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetry aims to be the industry standard in collecting telemetry data, which includes metrics, tracing, and logs. Together with fellow AWS intern Cunjun Wang, we developed a C++ Prometheus Exporter as a contribution to the C++ repository of the open source project […]

Multi-environment CI/CD pipelines with AWS CodePipeline and open source tools

A common scenario AWS customers face is how to automate their infrastructure deployments on AWS. Customers must create a secure, agile workflow that deploys to the cloud and uses their preferred AWS services. Customers also need a reliable, supportable deployment pattern driven by automated workflows that are not overly complex and difficult to manage. Customer […]

AWS adds a C++ Prometheus Exporter to OpenTelemetry

In this post, two AWS interns—Cunjun Wang and Eric Hsueh—describe their first engineering contributions to the popular open source observability project OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetry aims to develop an open standard and provides implementation in multiple programming languages for collecting telemetry data, including metrics, tracing, and logs. The interns contributed the C++ Prometheus Exporter to the OpenTelemetry […]

Creating simple AWS Cost and Usage charts with D3 JavaScript library

Web applications interacting with AWS in a number of ways may need to represent and display sets of information in the form of charts, diagrams, or graphs. Common examples of that information includes small amounts of data coming from AWS Costs & Usage Reports or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), either historical or real-time. […]