AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Programing Language community

Supporting development of Core WCF

Core WCF is a port of Windows Communication Framework (WCF) to .NET Core. Used to build service-oriented applications based on the .NET Framework, WCF enabled applications to asynchronously send data, packaged as messages, between service endpoints. WCF is a popular framework supporting many service-based use cases, including processing business transactions, reporting, monitoring, exposing workflows (implemented […]

Rust language logo.

Innovating with Rust

The Rust programming language is an open source project started by Mozilla Research more than a decade ago. Since then, more than 5,000 people have contributed to the Rust project, and the language has had a resounding impact on technology. Technology companies, large and small, are using and benefiting from Rust. The Rust language builds […]

Packaging and deploying AWS Lambda functions written in Java with AWS Cloud Development Kit

Many Java applications use Apache Maven or Gradle for building and managing the project. These tools help map how to build a particular piece of software, along with its different dependencies. In almost every scenario, these applications will depend on several external dependencies/libraries. AWS Lambda functions written in Java also use these tools for packaging […]

Olena –

Deploying Python Flask microservices to AWS using open source tools

Data has become the language of business. Organizations leverage data to better understand and deliver value to their customers. As a result, there is a growing need in many organizations for flexible patterns that can be leveraged to develop new applications and functionality to interact with their data. APIs, or application program interfaces, are a […]

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry adds StatsD and Java support

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) 0.8.0 is now available with StatsD support in the Collector and stable Java 1.0 support with an auto-instrumentation agent for observing your Java applications. StatsD Receiver The StatsD receiver is part of the OpenTelemetry Collector and collects StatsD metrics for exporting to your choice of monitoring service. This StatsD receiver […]

Building a Prometheus Remote Write Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Python SDK

In this post, AWS intern engineers Azfaar Qureshi and Shovnik Bhattacharya talk about their experience building the OpenTelemetry Prometheus Remote Write Exporter for Python. They share their experiences in tackling challenges they faced while building this tool, which is used for sending metrics to Prometheus protocol-based service endpoints. As software deployments become increasingly more complex, […]

tippapatt –

Testing AWS Lambda functions written in Java

Testing is an essential task when building software. Testing helps improve software quality by finding bugs before they reach production. The sooner we know there is a defect in code, the easier and cheaper it is to correct. Automated tests are a central piece in reducing this feedback loop. In association with a continuous integration […]

By Milan –

How the jsii open source framework meets developers where they are

A central part of the value proposition that the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is set to deliver is the ability for developers to express their infrastructure requirements in the programming languages they are most comfortable with. The DevOps movement has blurred the line between application code and infrastructure definition, and it is only […]

Enhancing AWS X-Ray support in OpenTelemetry JavaScript SDK

In this post, AWS intern Kelvin Lo shares his experience of enhancing the OpenTelemetry JavaScript SDK to support AWS X-Ray. These enhancements are also available in the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetry is a popular open source project under Cloud Native Computing (CNCF) Foundation. OpenTelemetry provides a set of components including APIs and SDKs for […]

Go support for AWS X-Ray now available in AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry

In this blog post, AWS interns Wilbert Guo and Kelvin Lo share their experience in enhancing the OpenTelemetry Go SDK to support sending traces to AWS X-Ray. These enhancements are also available in the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry. AWS X-Ray is a service that collects data and provides tools that allow us to view, filter, […]