AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: AWS Open Data Program

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Brain Data Science Platform increases EEG accessibility with open data and research enabled by AWS"

Brain Data Science Platform increases EEG accessibility with open data and research enabled by AWS

About 4.5 million electroencephalogram (EEG) tests are performed in the US each year. That’s more than if every person in Oregon, Connecticut, or Iowa got an EEG. Because they provide insights into brain activity and not just structure, EEGs are one of the most common tests ordered by doctors to help make a diagnosis for people with brain problems. The Brain Data Science Platform (BDSP), hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), is increasing EEG accessibility through cooperative data sharing and research enabled by the cloud. Read this post to learn more.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "Higher education utilizes cloud and student engagement to drive sustainability improvements"

Higher education utilizes cloud and student engagement to drive sustainability improvements

Universities and colleges around the world are taking an active role in sustainability efforts. Read this blog post to learn how higher education institutions are incorporating sustainability into cross-institutional strategies, differentiating their curricula and research funding proposals, and innovating in support of their communities and wider society.

33 new or updated datasets on the Registry of Open Data for Earth Day and more

The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on AWS. Through this program, customers are making over 100PB of high-value, cloud-optimized data available for public use. As April 22 is Earth Day, the AWS Open Data team wanted to highlight some new datasets from our geospatial and environmental communities of practice, as well as the other new or updated datasets available now on the Registry of Open Data on AWS and also discoverable on AWS Data Exchange.

Scientist looks at an image of a brain scan on a computer.

34 new or updated datasets on the Registry of Open Data: New data for land use, Alzheimer’s Disease, and more

The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on AWS. This quarter, AWS released 34 new or updated datasets from Impact Observatory, The Allen Institute for Brain Science, Common Screens, and others, which are available now on the Registry of Open Data in the following categories.

22 new or updated open datasets on AWS: New polar satellite data, blockchain data, and more

The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on AWS. The full list of publicly available datasets are on the Registry of Open Data on AWS and are now also discoverable on AWS Data Exchange. This quarter, AWS released 22 new or updated datasets including Amazonia-1 imagery, Bitcoin and Ethereum data, and elevation data over the Arctic and Antarctica. Check out some highlights.

Downscaled CMIP5, 1950 US Census, and open genomics data for Galaxy: The latest open data on AWS

The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Our full list of publicly available datasets are on the Registry of Open Data on AWS. This quarter, we released 13 new or updated datasets including CMIP5, 1950s US Decennial Census, and open genomics data for Galaxy. Read on for some highlights.

Supporting our nonprofit customers through change and transformation

At AWS, we know these are challenging times and we remain committed to supporting nonprofits. This blog post outlines a sampling of programs and resources for nonprofits, including grants and credits, open data access, cloud training, educational events, and more, designed to enable organizations of all sizes to overcome barriers to technology adoption, while enhancing the scale, performance, and capabilities of mission operations.

NYU Langone Center increases MRI accessibility through cooperative data sharing and research

About 40 million MRI scans are performed in the United States every year. MRIs are a valuable part of diagnostic plans, but as they exist today, they may not always be a part of a patient’s care plan. A research team at the New York University (NYU) Langone Center set out to make MRIs more accessible for more patients by using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the power of cooperative open data sharing.

Geo-Diverse Open Training Data as a Global Public Good

Radiant Earth Foundation is a nonprofit focused on delivering open geospatial data and analytics to the global development community (GDC) in support of their missions to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other key targets. Radiant Earth supports GDC by aggregating open geospatial data and providing access through its cloud-based platform, generating open Earth Observation (EO) machine learning tools and training data libraries, and creating new metadata standards through its MLHub Earth initiative. Additionally, the organization offers training resources to support capacity development and expertise in the geospatial and remote sensing sciences.

Maritime Operations – Automating Operational Quality Assurance with AWS and Open Data

nauticAi is a maritime startup from Finland, specializing in affordable intelligent awareness solutions for ship operators. The company’s BOQA-solution (Bridge Operations Quality Assurance) automates the Operational Quality Assurance of maritime operations with proven methods from the flight industry. A few key components in their solution include open weather data from NOAA and Finnish FMI, Internet of Things (IoT) technology, and a serverless AWS architecture using AWS Lambda and Amazon Aurora. As part of the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative, we invited Capt. Henrik Ramm-Schmidt, CEO and founder of nauticAi, to share the story of nauticAi with us.