AWS Spatial Computing Blog

Exploring the Spatial Computing Spectrum: The Next Frontier of Immersive Technologies

As we move into a new era of technological advancements, it is becoming clear that the next frontier of innovation will be powered by spatial computing. Whether for gaming, film and media, simulation, or even the metaverse, companies across industries are racing to develop their capabilities in spatial computing. In particular, four segments of spatial […]

Orthophotography with OpenDroneMap on AWS

Introduction In this post, I demonstrate how to create and visualize an orthomosaic from aerial images using a technique called orthophotography. This is done through the use of OpenDroneMap (ODM), QGIS, and DroneYard. ODM is a software toolkit for processing aerial imagery and creating 3D models, maps and other geospatial products. QGIS, a Geographic Information […]

Cover photo for Availability & Disaster Recovery for NVIDIA Omniverse Enterprise Nucleus

Availability and Disaster Recovery for NVIDIA Omniverse Enterprise Nucleus

NVIDIA Omniverse is a revolutionary platform, which allows creators and organizations to collaborate in real-time on 3D designs and simulations. It offers a wide range of integrations and tools to enable teams to work together, and to bring their ideas to life. One of the fundamental aspects of NVIDIA Omniverse is the ability to author […]

Metaverse Building Blocks: Spatial Data Planes

BUILD, DELIVER, MANAGE BLOG SERIES: BUILD Introduction Amazon Web Services (AWS) enterprise customers are using the cloud to build immersive spatial experiences. As an AWS Spatial Prototyping Lead, my team works backwards with these customers to identify spatial challenges (enterprise augmented reality, virtual reality, metaverse, and 3D technology) and resolve those challenges using the cloud. […]

Live Translations in the Metaverse

BUILD, DELIVER, MANAGE BLOG SERIES: DELIVER Imagine putting on your Virtual Reality (VR) headset and communicating with people from around the world, who natively speak French, Japanese and Thai, without a human translator. What if a fledgling start-up could now easily expand their product across borders and into new geographical markets by offering fluid, accurate, […]

Open-Source Launch: Visual Asset Management System Solution

BUILD, DELIVER, MANAGE BLOG SERIES: MANAGE Introduction: Today, we are excited to announce the open-source launch of Visual Asset Management System (VAMS) solution. VAMS enables organizations to store, transform, and view their 3D assets in the cloud. Customers can integrate with VAMS using any capabilities of Amazon Web Services (AWS) to meet the challenges posed […]