AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Guest Post

a former founder and ceo details how to write a narrative like amazon to set goals

Startups: How to Use Amazon’s Narrative Process to Set Goals and Think Clearly

If you’ve ever read anything about the internal processes of Amazon, you may know that Amazon eschews PowerPoint presentations in favor of written documents. There are a couple of different documents that Amazonians write, and they’re used for different things. In this post, I’m going to discuss the concept of the “Narrative” and how it can help startups think more clearly, set goals, and keep themselves accountable.

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webengage team

WebEngage: Personalizing Customer Engagement with AWS

As customers are distributed across different channels of acquisition, including social media, display advertising, or paid search, marketers need to deploy a strategy that spans across web, mobile, in-app, SMS, email, Facebook. The strategy also needs to follow the customer’s multi-platform journey to purchase. Founded in 2011, WebEngage enables marketers to do just this.

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How Renovo uses Elasticsearch to manage data log storage and operational complexities

How Renovo Uses Amazon OpenSearch to Manage Logs

AWS has enabled auto tech startup Renovo to keep up with logs generated by vehicles and support systems in a manner that does not require it to over-provision processing and focus on the problem space: operating a vehicle or fleet of vehicles. Director of Data Services Khalid Azam explains how.                                                                    

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