AWS Architecture Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

Figure 1. Object expiry architecture flow

Expiring Amazon S3 Objects Based on Last Accessed Date to Decrease Costs

Organizations are using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for building their data lakes, websites, mobile applications, and enterprise applications. As the number of objects within your S3 bucket increases, you may want to move older objects into lower-cost tiers of Amazon S3. In some cases you may want to delete the objects altogether to further […]

Comparing on-premises vs. cloud infrastructure provisioning

Insights for CTOs: Part 1 – Building and Operating Cloud Applications

In my role as a Senior Solutions Architect, I have spoken to chief technology officers (CTOs) and executive leadership of large enterprises like big banks, software as a service (SaaS) businesses, mid-sized enterprises, and startups. In this series, I share insights gained from various CTOs and engineering leaders during their cloud adoption journeys at their […]

High-level design for an AWS lake house implementation

Benefits of Modernizing On-premises Analytics with an AWS Lake House

Organizational analytics systems have shifted from running in the background of IT systems to being critical to an organization’s health. Analytics systems help businesses make better decisions, but they tend to be complex and are often not agile enough to scale quickly. To help with this, customers upgrade their traditional on-premises online analytic processing (OLAP) […]

Figure 6. Architecture overview

Build a Virtual Waiting Room with Amazon DynamoDB and AWS Lambda at SeatGeek

As retail sales, products, and customers continue to expand online, we’ve seen a trend towards releasing products in limited quantities to larger audiences. Demand of these products can be high, due to limited production capacity, venue capacity limits, or product exclusivity. Providers can then experience spikes in transaction volume, especially when multiple event sales occur […]

Figure 3 - IVR flow leveraging dynamically generated menu options.

Field Notes: Build Dynamic IVR Menus with Amazon Connect and AWS Lambda

This post was co-written by Marius Cealera, Senior Partner Solutions Architect at AWS, and Zdenko Estok, Cloud Architect and DevOps Engineer at Accenture.  Modern interactive voice response (IVR) systems help customers find answers to their questions through a series of menus, usually relying on the customer to filter and select the right options. Adding more […]

Reducing latency by caching frequently accessed data on demand

Data Caching Across Microservices in a Serverless Architecture

Organizations are re-architecting their traditional monolithic applications to incorporate microservices. This helps them gain agility and scalability and accelerate time-to-market for new features. Each microservice performs a single function. However, a microservice might need to retrieve and process data from multiple disparate sources. These can include data stores, legacy systems, or other shared services deployed […]

Microservices-based order submission workflow

Architecting a Highly Available Serverless, Microservices-Based Ecommerce Site

The number of ecommerce vendors is growing globally, and they often handle large traffic at different times of the day and different days of the year. This, in addition to building, managing, and maintaining IT infrastructure on-premises data centers can present challenges to their businesses’ scalability and growth. This blog provides you a Serverless on […]

Figure 1. End-customer call flow

Integrating Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex with Third-party Systems

AWS customers who provide software solutions that integrate with AWS often require design patterns that offer some flexibility. They must build, support, and expand products and solutions to meet their end user business requirements. These design patterns must use the underlying services and infrastructure through API operations. As we will show, third-party solutions can integrate […]

Figure 2. Solution overview diagram

Intelligently Search Media Assets with Amazon Rekognition and Amazon ES

Media assets have become increasingly important to industries like media and entertainment, manufacturing, education, social media applications, and retail. This is largely due to innovations in digital marketing, mobile, and ecommerce. Successfully locating a digital asset like a video, graphic, or image reduces costs related to reproducing or re-shooting. An efficient search engine is critical […]

Figure 1. Architecture diagram depicting enterprise vertical integration with Amazon EventBridge

Vertical Integration Strategy Powered by Amazon EventBridge

Over the past few years, midsize and large enterprises have adopted vertical integration as part of their strategy to optimize operations and profitability. Vertical integration consists of separating different stages of the production line from other related departments, such as marketing and logistics. Enterprises implement such strategy to gain full control of their value chain: from the […]