AWS News Blog

Jeff Barr

Author: Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.

SIOS CloudStation – Cloud-Powered High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Late last week I met Jim Kaskade of SIOS at a Seattle-area Starbucks for a meeting and a product demo. With the very cool (and appropriate) title “Chief of Cloud”, Jim was the right person to demonstrate his company’s new cloud-powered high availability and disaster recovery solution. Jim’s Mac laptop was running Centos. He used […]

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Amazon SimpleDB Consistency Enhancements

We’ve added two new features to Amazon SimpleDB to make it even easier for you to implement several different data storage and retrieval scenarios. The first new feature allows you to do a consistent read. Up until now, SimpleDB implemented eventually consistent reads. You now have the option to choose the type of read which […]

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New EC2 Instance Type: m2.xlarge

We’ve added a new EC2 instance type to our repertoire. It is called the High Memory Extra Large (m2.xlarge) and has the following specs: 17.1 GB of RAM. 420 GB of local storage. 64-bit platform. 6.5 ECU (EC2 Compute Units), 2 virtual cores each with 3.25 ECU. You can leverage this new instance type as […]

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That’s Flexibility, Baby!

Hi there, this is Simone Brunozzi, AWS Technology Evangelist for Europe and APAC. While Jeff Barr is in Japan, I’ll steal his keyboard to tell you a couple of nice Amazon Web Services success stories. The first one is from our friends at, a German company that allows you to launch your own web […]

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Our Newest Solution Provider: Hitachi Systems

I am pleased to welcome Hitachi Systems to the AWS Solution Providers Program! They have been providing a broad range of IT consulting, system integration, and professional services to Japanese enterprises in the financial, manufacturing, retail, and telecommunications space for over 30 years. They also provide these services to the government and public sectors. With […]

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Webinar: Leverage the Cloud for High-Traffic, High-Profile Web Marketing Events

On February 23, 2010, AWS, RightScale, and LTech will present a new webinar! Titled Leverage the Cloud for High-Traffic, High-Profile Web Marketing Events, the webinar will show you how to protect your brand and your marketing spend by ensuring that your website or promotional site is performing optimally. You’ll see how a cloud-based deployment will […]

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