AWS Contact Center

Category: Intermediate (200)

Optimize routing using queues and proficiencies in Amazon Connect

Optimize routing using queues and proficiencies in Amazon Connect

Contact volumes and agent staffing in contact centers vary during the day. When there are more contacts than available agents, a queue holds contacts waiting to be answered by agents. A single queue to handle all incoming contacts maximizes service levels, and minimizes wait times. This is only possible when each agent can handle all […]

Securely pass the customer information to agent using Amazon Connect in-app, web, and video calling

Companies often add self-service capabilities to their websites or mobile applications, such as frequently asked questions (FAQs) or knowledge articles, to help customers address their queries. When that customer escalates to a live agent for help, they are often asked to repeat the same information they may have entered or browsed on the app or […]

Using SMS to accept alphanumeric entry for voice calls with Amazon Connect

Organizations are increasingly using speech recognition to create powerful conversational interfaces in the contact center, enabling self-service, user identification, and caller authentication based on users’ spoken natural language. These capabilities create delightful experiences for the user and improve containment rates and customer satisfaction scores. Oftentimes, in order to authenticate callers, organizations typically must collect alphanumeric […]

Simplify case management in your contact center using Amazon Connect Cases

Often contact center agents struggle to locate customer information that is stored in disparate locations. As a result they end up asking the customers to repeat their details, resulting in longer average handle times (AHT). These interactions, also need to be tracked along with detailed notes, next steps, and status of the issue at hand. […]

Easily create and visualize post chat surveys with Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex

Contact centers face a challenge of having to constantly improve on the contact center experience based on customer feedback. In order to so, it is important that contact centers collect reliable and measurable data. Contact centers can implement post chat customer satisfaction surveys that allow for actionable feedback on user experience and agent performance. Customer […]

Create and update agents in bulk with Amazon Connect

Contact center managers must often add and remove agents quickly, or manage agents as a group. The ability to do so efficiently and in bulk is essential to the timely management of contact center agents. Amazon Connect currently offers methods to perform bulk user (agent) creation and bulk user updates within the User Management functions […]

Updating your addresses with Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex

When someone moves, they spend time notifying their service account providers (electric, water, insurance, etc.) to update their address information. This post explains how to create an Amazon Lex bot in an Amazon Connect contact flow to automate the address update process. After you create the bot, you use AWS Lambda to confirm the new […]

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect (Preview)

Today, AWS announced Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, a set of capabilities for Amazon Connect enabled by machine learning (ML) that gives contact center supervisors and analysts the ability to understand the content, sentiment, and trends of their customer conversations to identify crucial customer feedback and improve customer experience. Amazon Connect is an omnichannel cloud […]

Recovering abandoned calls with Amazon Connect

At some point, you have likely had to hang up after waiting on the phone for an agent to help you. You lost your spot in the queue, without the option to leave a voicemail or receive a callback. This experience is exceptionally frustrating for users, and also damaging to a business from both a […]