Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Learning Levels

NetDevOps: A modern approach to AWS networking deployments

Networks have grown larger and more complex with time, but they continue to be the foundation upon which applications and services run. This critical component has demanding requirements to keep up with a high velocity application development world. How can you enable your network to deliver these requirements with confidence? By adopting NetDevOps practices. This […]

AWS Cloud WAN and AWS Transit Gateway migration and interoperability patterns

Introduction At AWS re:Invent 2021, we launched a public preview of AWS Cloud WAN, a managed service for creating a global network using AWS global network infrastructure. Cloud WAN makes it easy to build and operate global wide area networks (WAN) to connect your data centers, branch offices, and Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs). Cloud […]

How to integrate Linux instances with AWS Gateway Load Balancer

When I meet with customers and discuss AWS Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB), I often get asked for suggestions regarding integrating it with their existing Linux appliances. GWLB utilizes GENEVE encapsulation with some important custom metadata, which doesn’t natively work with either Linux or Linux’s GENEVE module (which is designed only for Ethernet (Layer 2) packets, […]

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Securely Connect your Mobile Device to your AWS environment with AWS Client VPN

AWS Client VPN is a fully-managed, client-based Virtual Private Network (VPN) service used by your remote workforce to securely access resources within AWS and your on-premises network. It’s an elastic service that automatically scales up or down based on demand. In addition to the free, AWS-provided VPN client, you can also use a common Open […]

Running multicast-enabled containers on AWS

Introduction Multicast is a popular IP-based communication mechanism that is actively employed in many industry verticals, including finance, media, telco, transportation, and others. This post describes how to enable multicast in container environments orchestrated by Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). Although Amazon ECS is a fully managed container orchestration service, some additional steps must be […]

Continuous verification of network compliance using Amazon VPC Network Access Analyzer and AWS Security Hub

Introduction As your distributed application teams operate network infrastructure, it can be challenging for central security, networking, or cloud operations teams to determine whether the correct network controls are in place. Network controls, such as firewall rules, NAT Gateways, network access control lists (ACL’s), security groups, and network segmentation, serve as a critical first line […]

Calculating data transfer leveraging Amazon VPC flow logs

Introduction There are several factors that contribute towards your overall costs incurred in AWS cloud. When it comes to networking, many customers ask about data transfer charges. You pay a Data Transfer charge when you send data out from AWS to Internet, between AWS Regions, or between Availability Zones (AZ). Today, there are multiple ways […]

Migrating from Squid Web Proxy to AWS Network Firewall

Introduction Regardless of size or industry, it’s common for organizations to have security and compliance rules for securing internet-bound traffic. AWS customers need control over, and the ability to filter, requests that are initiated by resources in private and public subnets and sent to the internet. This is also known as “egress filtering.” In AWS, […]

Using Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall Logs with CloudWatch Contributor Insights and Anomaly Detection

Introduction The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the most critical components for almost any network as every service relies on a functional DNS service. Amazon Route 53 Resolver (sometimes referred to as “AmazonProvidedDNS” or the “.2/+2 resolver”) provides a highly available and scalable DNS service that customers have come to rely upon for their recursive DNS […]

Accessing an AWS API Gateway via static IP addresses provided by AWS Global Accelerator

Introduction In this article, I will walk you through the steps to configure Amazon API Gateway in combination with AWS Global Accelerator to present Internet-facing API via static IP addresses to end users. This design addresses the need for static IP safelisting and also provides additional performance benefits to end users by sending user’s traffic […]