Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Security

Protect against bots with AWS WAF Challenge and CAPTCHA actions

Protecting against bot threats requires insights into the client environment beyond what is available through network-level characteristics of a request, such as TCP or HTTP payload signatures. AWS WAF uses CAPTCHA and Challenge actions to undertake a client-side interaction, whether on a mobile device or browser, to understand this client environment before they can be […]

Announcing Amazon Virtual Private Gateway Ingress Routing support for Gateway Load Balancer

Today, on 30th August 2023, AWS launched a new enhancement to the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Ingress Routing feature. With this enhancement, customers can now specify a Gateway Load Balancer Endpoint (GWLBE) as the next-hop in the virtual private gateway (VGW) route table. This allows customers to inspect their traffic coming into AWS […]

NetDevSecOps to modernize AWS networking deployments

NetDevOps orchestrates and automates network changes to shorten the network delivery lifecycle, treats the network as code to allow for version control, and tests changes to make sure of quality and stability. This increased speed helps organizations better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market. The post NetDevOps: A modern approach to AWS […]

Limiting requests to a web application using a Gatekeeper Solution

Many types of organizations encounter DDOS attacks daily. DDoS, or Distributed Denial of Service, is an attack pattern that generates fake traffic to overwhelm organisation’s properties (websites, APIs, applications, etc.) and make it unavailable to legitimate users. They majority of these attacks involve a huge burst of fake traffic that exhausts the application’s resources (Memory […]

How to enhance CloudFront origin security of on-premise web servers using third-party firewalls

This post provides a solution to enhance the Amazon CloudFront origin security of on-premises web servers by automating the AWS IP prefix update process for some network firewalls. CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to customers globally with low latency and high transfer speeds—all within […]

Secure and accelerate Drupal CMS with Amazon CloudFront, AWS WAF, and Edge Functions

In this post, you’ll learn how to secure and accelerate the delivery of Drupal-based websites using Amazon CloudFront, AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF), and Amazon CloudFront Functions. CloudFront is a content delivery network service (CDN) offering improved security and acceleration of the content served through it. This is true for static cacheable content and […]

Introducing AWS Gateway Load Balancer Target Failover for Existing Flows

Introduction: AWS Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB) is an Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) service that allows customers to insert third-party virtual appliances such as firewall, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS), network observability and others, transparently into the traffic path. Application Load Balancer (ALB) and Network Load Balancer (NLB) are reverse proxies and traffic is routed […]

Accessing private Application Load Balancers and EC2 instances through AWS Global Accelerator

Many Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) offer a feature to obfuscate the source origin through functionality commonly referred to as origin cloaking. Using AWS Global Accelerator with Client IP Address Preservation capability, similar functionally can be facilitated. Private Application Load Balancers (ALBs) and private EC2 instances can be accessed through Global Accelerator in a secure and simplified manner. AWS […]

Continually Enhancing Domain Security on Amazon CloudFront

Last year, a colleague of mine wrote a blog post about new security measures that Amazon CloudFront was implementing to enhance the security of how domains are used on CloudFront distributions. This included mitigations to prevent the abusive use of domain fronting practices by not allowing SSL handshake requests and subsequent requests over the secured […]

CloudFront now Supports ECDSA Certificates for HTTPS Connections to Origins

See how you can now use Amazon CloudFront to negotiate HTTPS connections to origins using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). ECDSA uses smaller keys that are faster, yet, just as secure, as the older RSA algorithm. The smaller keys will also increase the number of TLS handshakes that your origins can process per second, thereby saving compute cycles and reducing your cost of cryptography.