AWS Storage Blog

Tag: Amazon VPC

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Enabling file system sharing on Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP across multiple AWS accounts

Enterprise users are looking for a scalable and resilient network-attached storage (NAS) solution with high throughput performance on AWS to support distributed systems running Windows and Linux workloads. Moreover, users like to have flexible deployment models so that storage over the network can be consolidated and managed by the infrastructure account for cost optimization and […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Failover Microsoft Azure workloads to AWS using AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Enterprises strive to make sure that business critical applications, workloads, and data remain available during planned and unplanned downtime. When using the cloud, organizations must make sure to apply the same approach to business continuity and disaster recovery as they would with on-premises infrastructure. Customers on the cloud can leverage AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Implementing HA and DR for SQL Server Always-On Failover Cluster Instance using Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

One of the most difficult challenges organizations face today is ensuring data availability and accessibility across their locations. Maintaining high availability and accessibility for SQL Server databases across different AWS Regions is a top data protection requirement for enterprises considering moving to the cloud. Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP offers a quick way to fail […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Building a disaster recovery site on AWS for workloads on Microsoft Azure

Some enterprises run their IT operations using a multi-cloud environment, often for compliance, cost, or redundancy reasons. At times, these enterprises may be required to host a copy of their data, or even a full disaster recovery (DR) solution, on another cloud provider to provide an additional layer of protection. In this post, we show […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Private cross-Region disaster recovery with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Editor’s note: Before reading about cross-Region disaster recovery using private connectivity in this blog, learn how to install an AWS DRS agent in a secured network in this blog. Update 5/7/2024: Steps for creating a security group that allows port 443 from the source VPC added to section “2. Establish private connectivity” and steps for […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Route traffic to an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP Multi-AZ file system using Network Load Balancer

Update (3/13/2023): When creating a target group, the Network Load Balancer currently verifies that the target IP is part of a subnet in the specified VPC, which means the approach outlined in this blog cannot be employed anymore. A core architecture principle of building highly available applications on AWS is to use a multi-Availability Zone […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Cross-Region AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery agent installation in a secured network

Installing a service agent on a server is a straight-forward process in a normal setup. Most agents require an internet connection to connect to the service. However, there are some environments that are tightly secured. Servers in these environments don’t have internet access at all. Installing a service agent in these environments can be a […]

Mounting Amazon S3 to an Amazon EC2 instance using a private connection to S3 File Gateway

Customers rehosting applications in the cloud that deal with large files and unstructured data can benefit by utilizing object storage from a performance, scalability, and cost perspective, as compared to block or file storage. If a legacy or COTS (commercial-off-the-shelf) application being migrated doesn’t inherently support object storage services like Amazon S3, it may be […]

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

How Jemena approached data migration using AWS DataSync and shared VPCs

Organizations starting their cloud migration journey must make several design choices about their AWS architecture. Some of these design choices relate to organizational structure, the number of AWS accounts, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) options, and other details. Depending on these upfront choices, the tooling and approach to migrate data from an on-premises system to AWS […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Optimize costs and speed up replication with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Maintaining application and data resilience can often be challenging. There is an ever-evolving risk landscape that includes ransomware attacks, natural disasters, user error, hardware faults, and more. Organizations understandably have a strong desire to ensure they can recover within appropriate timescales from an unforeseen disaster event that impacts their systems. In such cases, organizations seek […]