AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Serverless

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Extending SaaS Application Data into Your AWS Environment with Amazon EventBridge

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus service that connects application data from a variety of sources and send it to your AWS environment. It makes it easy to build scalable event-driven applications because it handles event ingestion and delivery, security, authorization, and error-handling for you. EventBridge launched with support for 10 SaaS integration partners. If your organization is interested in integrating with EventBridge, you can complete the process with minimal development time.

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Analyzing Performance and Cost of Large-Scale Data Processing with AWS Lambda

There are many tools available for doing large-scale data analysis, and picking the right one for a given job is critical. Here, we take an in-depth analysis of the architecture and performance characteristics of a completely serverless data processing platform. While the approach isn’t applicable for every use case, it has a very low total cost of ownership (TCO) and because AWS Lambda allows us to run arbitrary code easily, this approach provides the flexibility to handle non-standard data formats easily.

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Keeping the Security and Scalability of Serverless Apps Problem-Free with AWS Secrets Manager

AWS Secrets Manager helps you protect secrets needed to access your applications, services, and IT resources while enabling you to easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycle. If you’re researching how to improve secrets management, it’s critical to curate the advice you find. The engineers at Stackery have spent lots of time doing just that and share several benefits for using AWS Secrets Manager to keep security and scalability problem-free down the line.

Tech Mahindra_AWS Solutions

Migrating Applications from Monolithic to Microservice on AWS

As cloud becomes the new normal, many businesses want to use its potential to improve their customer experience. Organizations all around the world are using the breadth and depth of AWS services to become more cloud-native. APN Partner Tech Mahindra helped Telia use AWS to modernize their customer information management (CIM) platform from monolithic to microservice for flexibility and scalability. Telia is a Europe-based telecom provider with 20,000 employees serving millions of customers across the globe.

Epsagon_AWS Solutions

Troubleshooting, Monitoring, and Cost Tracking for Serverless Applications

Serverless applications are becoming more and more popular as organizations seek to increase developer velocity, shorten time-to-market, and reduce infrastructure costs. Epsagon offers a holistic approach to monitoring and troubleshooting serverless applications. By leveraging distributed tracing and automated alerting, AWS Lambda users can get an auto-discovery view of their entire architecture, with a minimal setup effort and no code changes.


Using AWS Serverless Technology as an Enabler for Cloud Adoption

When a national UK retailer undertook the challenge of replacing their e-commerce platform, the challenge was not inconsiderable. A heavily-customized WebSphere implementation had been the backbone of the organization for many years and was integrated throughout the business. Learn how BJSS leveraged the AWS Serverless Platform and an innovative delivery approach to deliver success for the customer.

Heimdall Data_AWS Solutions

How Heimdall’s Database Proxy Improves Website Response Times with No Code Changes

Questis, a configurable technology platform for financial intermediaries, realized their backend infrastructure required additional development to improve performance, provide high-availability, and rapidly scale to meet the needs of Questis customers accessing the platform. Learn why they chose to team up with Heimdall Data, an AWS Competency Partner that offers a transparent database proxy and gives developers SQL visibility and control to improve backend performance and scalability.

AWS Blockchain Partner Program

Driving Blockchain Innovation with Manifold Technology and AWS Serverless

Manifold Technology has built a highly scalable, cost-effective, and easy-to-integrate blockchain platform that’s architected to deploy on AWS. Manifold lets you manage blockchains for any application, from branded currencies and settlement, to asset management and intelligent automation. The platform uses AWS Lambda to deliver a distributed ledger capability with blockchain auditability and the ability to detect possible tampering. Manifold is an APN Standard Technology Partner.

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SaaS Storage Partitioning with Amazon Aurora Serverless

With the introduction of Amazon Aurora Serverless (currently in preview), SaaS providers are now equipped with a model to bring the scale and cost efficiency of serverless computing directly to storage partitioning models of SaaS solutions. We take a closer look at how Aurora Serverless works and how it influences your approach to storage partitioning in SaaS environments. The goal here is to highlight the implications of the serverless storage model, identifying key areas that will be of particular interest to SaaS developers.


How to Migrate Mainframe Batch to Cloud Microservices with AWS Blu Age

While modernizing customer mainframes, the team at AWS Blu Age discovered that Batch can be a complex aspect of a mainframe migration to AWS. It’s critical to design your AWS architecture to account for the key Batch stringent performance requirements such as intensive I/Os, large datasets, and short durations. Let’s explore how to migrate mainframe Batch to AWS microservices using AWS Blu Age automated transformation technology.