AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

How Provectus and GoCheck Kids Built ML Infrastructure for Improved Usability During Vision Screening

For businesses like GoCheck Kids, machine learning infrastructure is vital. The company has developed a next-generation, ML-driven pediatric vision screening platform that enables healthcare practitioners to screen for vision risks in children in a fast and easy way by utilizing GoCheck Kids’ smartphone app. Learn how GoCheck Kids teamed up with Provectus to build a secure, auditable, and reproducible ML infrastructure on AWS to ensure its solution is powered by highly accurate image classification model.

How Insider Learned to Scale a Production Grade Elasticsearch Cluster on AWS

Insider, an AWS Competency Partner, has been using Elasticsearch for a long time and is satisfied with its performance and features. They had a couple of issues when scaling up its usage, however, but they fixed them by making changes on configurations, architecture, and hardware. Follow along as Insider’s team realizes that fixing symptoms without understanding the root cause may lead to worse scenarios, and how they learned the hard way the importance of identifying the real issue as soon as possible.

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Choosing the Right DNS Architecture for VMware Cloud on AWS

Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of any infrastructure as it provides the hostname to IP address resolution that applications rely on. VMware Cloud on AWS customers have many options to implement hybrid DNS solutions, ranging from self-hosted to fully managed native services from AWS. Learn about DNS architectures that use native AWS services as well as traditional Active Directory designs, as well as integration with Amazon Route 53 Private Hosted Zones and inbound endpoints.


Making Cloud Transformation Simpler and Faster with SnapStart

Knowing what customers have in their IT estate is important when beginning strategic transformation initiatives, consolidating data centers, migrating workloads, or modernizing data platforms. Explore the cloud migration journey of one of Insight’s clients to understand how they used SnapStart and various technologies to make the migration process more efficient. SnapStart helps organizations identify and map IT environments spanning cloud, edge, and both on-premises and off-premises data centers.


Maintaining Control of PII Hosted on AWS with Hold Your Own Key (HYOK) Security

One of the biggest challenges in moving to the cloud for organizations that collect and process personally identifiable information (PII) is the fundamental change to the trust model. SecuPi minimizes changes to the trust model and reduces the risk associated with digital transformations. Learn how SecuPi can help you collect and process sensitive or regulated PII and reduce barriers to cloud adoption while satisfying the trust model requirements of even the most conservative and risk-averse companies.

How to Integrate AWS Client VPN with Azure Active Directory

It’s well known that IT departments prefer authentication integration into existing IdPs such as Azure Active Directory to reduce operational overhead and the attack surface of IT systems. AWS announced federated authentication support for AWS Client VPN in May 2020, and this support requires integration with a SAML 2.0 provider, such as Azure Active Directory. Learn how to integrate AWS Client VPN with an Azure Active Directory to give remote users access to an AWS private VPCs..

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Onboarding and Managing Agents in a SaaS Solution – Using AWS IoT Core

You can manage agents in a multi-tenant SaaS environment using AWS IoT Core. Review a solution that offers a modular and secure approach to register and manage agents. It relies on AWS managed services to offload the heavy lifting of implementing and maintaining those mechanisms, and provides scalability, elasticity, and availability. Using AWS IoT Core for agent management provides various capabilities for managing, securing, and analyzing usage and sent data from the registered agents.


Connecting Your LoRaWAN Devices from The Things Stack to AWS IoT Core

Learn how to integrate a customer’s LoRaWAN devices connected to The Things Stack’s LoRaWAN Network Server with the AWS IoT Core service running in their account. This integration enables you to unleash the functionality available in the AWS IoT portfolio of services (and overall AWS ecosystem) for implementing solutions. The Things Stack is maintained by The Things Industries (TTI) and provides an integrated chain of products and services for customers to start working on IoT.


Virtusa and InterSystems Join Forces to Enhance Patient Data Integration

Data interoperability empowers the healthcare system to move away from the outdated transaction model of fee-for-services and prescription volume. Learn how Virtusa’s vLife solution provides a secure platform that supports a variety of use cases. By offering services across abstracted and virtualized platform layers, developers can use vLife to more easily deploy solutions that meet the unique requirements of their specific situation.

Reduce Migration Times to AWS By Up to 79% with NetFoundry and CloudEndure Migration

Cloud migration introduces challenges for network systems, as the configurations designed for on-premises usually don’t work well for the cloud. NetFoundry implements cloud-based orchestration and APIs to instantly spin up and manage Zero Trust, performant, edge-to-cloud networks over the internet. NetFoundry is collaborating with CloudEndure Migration to accelerate the application migration process to AWS with the NetFoundry Zero Trust platform.