AWS News Blog

Jeff Barr

Author: Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.

Sent To Smugmug

Over in the “practice what you preach” department, I’ve spent the last month or so uploading over 18,000 of my family pictures to Smugmug. Even though I store the photos on a RAID drive in my house and move regular DVD backups offsite, I am still relieved that someone else is worrying about my photos. […]

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Sheep Market Thesis

Aaron Koblin, developer of The Sheep Market, has published his thesis as a Word document: The Sheep Market: Two Cents Worth. It is fun to read, with some very far-ranging references and some entertaining diversions. It is interesting to read about Aaron’s hesitancy to be just a cog in a machine, then to see him […]

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Technology Evangelism Conference

If you are interested in the art of evangelism, there’s an event coming up that you should attend. It’s called GNoTECon (Global Network of Technology Evangelists Conference), and will be held in Santa Clara, CA on December 4th. Microsoft’s Anand Iyer blogged about it recently, so I won’t repeat everything here. In fact, this is […]

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S3 for Static Web Content

In and Amazon S3, Jesse Andrews describes how he moved all of his static content from his own server over to S3. Jesse set up the virtual hosting, moved over all of the content (using S3 Fox no less), and had everything up and running inside of 15 minutes. As he notes “it took […]

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EC2 Rock and Roll

There’s so much happening with Amazon EC2 that I can hardly read it all. Here’s a sampling: The Atlantis Computing blog talks about Amazin Amazon or why EC2 is the bee’s knees. Instead of investing between 30 and 40% of their seed capital on hardware, they have implemented it on top of EC2. As the […]

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TalkCrunch interview with Jeff Bezos

If you’ve got 17 minutes to spare, this TalkCrunch interview with Jeff  Bezos is worth a listen. In addition to learning more about our Web-Scale Computing initiative, you can hear Jeff’s famous laugh for yourself. There’s also a summary of the talk on TechCrunch. If that’s not enough, there’s another podcast interview over at Information […]

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ElasticLive – Hershey’s Kisses

An important part of our mission as Web Services Evangelists is to encourage our developer community to innovate. We invite them to surprise us with new and interesting ways to consume our services, to show us the Power of Innovation ! One such innovation is running Windows Server 2003 on an Amazon EC2 instance. The […]

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Caption This Picture…

This photo was taken as our team was leaving the MIT Emerging Technologies Conference last month: So far the best caption we’ve come up with internally is “Excuse me, but can you tell us where the physics building is? And how do we find the Mensa Club?” If you’ve got a better one, leave us […]

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