

Enabling mTLS in AWS App Mesh using SPIFFE/SPIRE in a multi-account Amazon EKS environment

Over the past few years, companies and organizations have been adopting microservice-based architectures to drive their businesses forward with a rapid pace of innovation. Moving to microservices brings several benefits in terms of modularity and deployment speed, but it also adds additional complexity that requires establishing higher security postures. For distributed applications spanning multiple, potentially […]

mTLS in App Mesh

Using mTLS with SPIFFE/SPIRE in AWS App Mesh on Amazon EKS

By Efe Selcuk and Apurup Chevuru and Michael Hausenblas You know that here at AWS we consider security as “job zero”, and in the context of the shared responsibility model we provide you with controls to take care of your part. One popular use case of service meshes is to strengthen the security posture of […]